// part sixteen: confrontation //

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"I see you're back. You're quite a persistent bunch, aren't you?" Deimos said as he slowly descended down to the ground. Sonic was quick to get into his fighting stance, everyone else following. Deimos smirked at them at he landed on the ground.

"It's astonishing how you all continue to fight, despite having zero hope of winning! I have everything! The Chaos Emeralds, the Master Emerald, the Phantom Ruby, all of your strongest opponents," Deimos paused, giving Sonic a devious grin. "As well as your girl. You have nothing."

Sonic clenched his fist, gritting his teeth as he forced himself to stay silent. He knew Deimos was just trying to get a rise out of him. And Sonic wouldn't let him have his way anymore. Sonic would do everything in his capabilities to stop Deimos here and now. If he didn't, everything would be over. This was going to be the final battle that would decide the outcome of Sonic and his friends, and of Y/n.

"That's not true! We have each other!" Tails exclaimed, glaring at Deimos as he stood. "As long as we're together, we'll always have something! We'll always have hope in each other!"

"Yeah! We're always going to try and stop you, no matter how much you may take! We can still fight!" Amy joined in, clenching her Piko-Piko hammer tightly in her hands. Deimos rolled his eyes, crossing his arms.

"That's cute. But I've lost my patience. We've done this over and over again, and it's time I finally end you all." Deimos said. Rising back up into the air, he pointed his palm in their direction, bright yellow lightning surrounding it. Tails gasped, falling back down into his seat as he stuttered fearfully.

"G-Guys, run!" He yelled, just as a bolt of yellow lightning nearly struck them. However, within the blink of an eye, they were all suddenly up in the sky.

"Wh-What the—!?" Sonic exclaimed, clinging onto the tornado as it activated its jet boosters, steadily flying in the air. Looking over to Shadow, whom he had an idea had been the cause of their teleportation. "Was that you? I didn't know you could use Chaos Control without an Emerald!"

"You clearly underestimate me." Shadow said with a smirk, jumping off the tornado. Sonic grinned, following suit. It had been a while since he and Shadow fought together like this.

Diving towards Deimos, the dark hedgehog looked up to them with wide eyes, crossing his arms over himself as a shield. Shadow and Sonic reared back their fists, slamming them right into Deimos.

Deimos was sent skidding backwards with a grunt, looking up to the two in surprise. He hadn't been aware that Shadow had such control over Chaos Energy. However, it wasn't enough to phase him, Deimos smirking once again.

"Don't think you have the upper hand. You still stand no chance against me." Deimos said. Sonic grunted in annoyance, blasting forward with a clenched fist. He swung his arm at the grinning menace before him, only for his fist to go straight through Deimos. Sonic looked in surprise at the blurry image before him, feeling his stomach twist.

"A-An afterimage!?" Sonic stuttered, unable to process anything before suddenly receiving a harsh knee in the back. The air was suddenly knocked out of his lungs, Deimos watching as Sonic struggled to breathe.

"Damn you." Shadow muttered, charging Deimos. Deimos looked back at him with a grin, startling Shadow, who had been going at his top speed. "H-How are you so fast!?"

Jumping back, Shadow restarted his attack, charging forward. He slung his leg towards Deimos's face, who stood quietly and let Shadow attack. Shadow came to a very abrupt stop as Deimos blocked his leg with his arm, smirking.

"Would you really like to know? I doubt you would." He said, grabbing Shadow's leg and slamming him into the ground. Shadow groaned, feeling a sharp, stabbing pain throughout his body as he tried to crawl back to his feet.

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