// part seven: date crashers //

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"You're kidding, right?" Tails chuckled nervously, wondering if his ears were playing tricks on him. Shadow raised a brow, confused.

"I'm not, why would I be?" He asked. Tails looked over to Sonic, who looked just as surprised.

"That definitely sounds like Gemerl. I can't believe you guys took him out so easily. I had to join Eggman and go super to beat him." Sonic said. Y/n gasped, sparkles in her eyes.

"I forgot you could do that, I wanna see it so bad, please show me!" Y/n begged, throwing herself onto Sonic. He yelped, startled as he took a step back.

"No way, that's only for emergencies! Besides, I don't have all the Chaos Emeralds, I couldn't." Sonic said. Y/n pouted, giving him puppy dog eyes.

"But I wanted to see it..." She muttered in disappointment. Shadow rolled his eyes, turning away.

"I'll be leaving now, there's still many bases left to search." Shadow waved, walking away. Y/n looked over, completely forgetting about Sonic as he jogged to his side.

"Alright, I'm ready! Let's go." She smiled at Shadow. Shadow stared up at her, wondering if he should really take her. Sighing, he placed a hand on her head.

"You stay and rest. I'll let you know first if I find anything." He said. Y/n's smile slowly fell, her arms falling limply to her sides.

"Oh... Alright." She mumbled, stepping away from him. Shadow didn't say another word as he left, leaving them in an awkward silence.

Y/n shook her head, trying to get rid of the sadness that was weighing her down. She smiled at Sonic, trying to lighten the mood.

"Well, I'm tired. You want to go home?" She asked. Sonic smiled, happy to see her at least trying to stay happy for them.

"Yeah, sure, you need some sleep anyway." Sonic said. As they walked out, they bid Tails goodbye, heading to Sonic's home.

The sun had rose above the horizon, shining over the city and bringing a soft warmth. Y/n sighed in relaxation, finally feeling the effects of staying up battling all night.

She felt Sonic wrap his arm around her, helping her to stay standing up. She leaned against him with a smile, wrapping an arm of her own around him.

"Thanks, Sonic..." She muttered, struggling to keep her eyes open. Sonic stared up at her, almost shocked at how beautiful a single person could be.

He felt the heat of a blush rising to his cheeks as he stared dreamily at her, wondering how such a person as perfect as herself could exist. He leaned his head on her shoulder, taking in her scent as he sighed.

He suddenly, out of nowhere remembered how soft and sweet Shadow was with her, feeling himself growing jealous. He squeezed Y/n closer, his cheeks darkening as his blush worsened.

"Sonic..?" Y/n suddenly spoke, startling him. He looked up at her, their faces much closer than he anticipated. "Is something wrong?"

"N-No..." Sonic stuttered, resisting the urge to take her cheeks and kiss her then and there. "But, um... You and Shadow... Do you guys like each other or something?"

Y/n's eyes snapped wide open, her sleepiness practically disappearing. Y/n had so many questions. For one, why did Sonic care? And he knew she liked Metal, so why was he asking? Was it because of how Shadow was treating her? She chuckled, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Oh, no, it's not that. Shadow is my friend. I think he sees me as a friend too." She smiled softly at the memory of him comforting her. "Don't tell him I told you, but he comforted me when I started crying. He even took me up into space to cheer me up."

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