Chapter 16: Sudden Attack

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Chapter 16: Sudden Attack

    The gas station is not big and square. The front and back doors are blocked by cars. There are also two large tank trucks, which properly protect the innermost business hall and the canteen. The door of the business hall was closed tightly, and the curtained windows could not see what was inside. However, the doors and windows of the concession store next to it were all glass, and the messy materials were clearly seen inside, as if they were tempting them to move forward.

    There was a dark red carpet on the floor of the concession store, and the carpet on the tiled floor looked very strange. The two were vigilant, and did not walk towards the concession store, but turned to the business hall with the door closed.

    Zhao Hongbo carefully pressed his ear to the door, and could faintly hear depressed and painful groans and a few rapid breathing from the room. He judged that there were people inside, and there were still a lot of people.

    Zhao Hongbo made a gesture to Lu Wenyan, saying that there were people inside, and take precautions. Lu Wenyan nodded, his hand holding the gun tightly.

    Now that they know there are people in the business hall, there is a high possibility that there will be an ambush inside, and they will not be so stupid that they rush in to die. So Lu Wenyan asked Zhao Hongbo to guard at the door of the business hall, and walked around to the tanker truck parked by the wall to check that there was at least half a car of gasoline in it.

    When he was considering whether to directly wrap this oil tanker into the revenue system, he felt a cool breeze coming from behind. He subconsciously turned sideways and saw a black and thin middle-aged man waving a handful of extremely long watermelon. The knife slashed at him, if he hadn't dodged in time, I'm afraid the right hand would not be able to keep it.

    The man saw him avoiding, a sharp light flashed in his eyes, and then cut the knife in his hand at him.

    Lu Wenyan squinted slightly, then raised the gun in his hand and fired a shot in his leg.

    The middle-aged man cried out in pain, fell to his knees, covered the wound with his hand, and gurgled blood from his fingers.

    "Who are you?" Lu Wenyan pointed a gun at his head and asked in a low voice.

    The middle-aged man raised his head, his eyes flashing with bone-killing intent, suddenly he opened his mouth, and a yellow-green mucus spurted from his mouth. Lu Wenyan hurriedly backed away, but his arm was still hit by the liquid, and then he opened his mouth. The severe pain of the femoral bone eroded made him exhale in pain. I saw that his arm was being corroded by the liquid, and the skin was ripped open and fleshy, emitting a pungent and unpleasant smell.

    "Brother Lu!" Zhao Hongbo ran over when he heard the gunshots. Seeing this, he hurriedly supported him and dragged him aside to avoid the second corrosive liquid.

    Zhao Hongbora landed Wenyan and hid behind an abandoned car, and constantly shot at the man, causing the man to spray corrosive mucus from a long distance and could not get close to them. However, men's mucus is too corrosive, and even the iron pair of the car is about to melt. Zhao Hongbo and the others can only hide in another place.

    "What's the matter with that person? Why is the thing that comes out of his mouth so corrosive? Is he also a supernatural person?" Zhao Hongbo gasped slightly.

    Lu Wenyan leaned on the car and continued to use skills to heal the wound, and finally healed the injury before the liquid corroded his entire arm, but the severe pain caused him to sweat profusely. Zhao Hongbo's words reminded him that he had forgotten to check that person's information just now!

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