Chapter 47 The two teams meet

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Chapter 47 The two teams meet

    After all, Yang Changjiang is just a power-type ability user, and he has no advantage in speed. He pulled two more people, and he was caught up by the cockroach after a short distance.

    Yang Changjiang gritted his teeth, let go of the other man's hand, and shouted at him, "Earth wall!"

    The man subconsciously obeyed Yang Changjiang's instructions, stopped to activate his ability, and instantly rose from the ground He reached a dirt wall and stopped the army of cockroaches for a moment.

    Yes, only for a moment.

    The next moment, the army of cockroaches climbed directly onto the dirt wall and quickly climbed upwards like walking on the ground. This man's earth wall can't be compared with Qi Yue's ice wall at all. If the cockroach climbs the ice wall, it will be frozen into ice immediately, but there is no pressure to climb the earth wall.

    The man was so frightened that his face was pale, and he wanted to evacuate back, but it was too late. Just when he was drowned by the cockroaches that came over the wall, he looked back in the direction of Yang Changjiang, only to find that Yang Changjiang was standing just now. The place has not even a ghost shadow at all.

    The man instantly understood that Yang Changjiang just deliberately asked him to stop to delay the cockroach's actions. He roared in despair and anger, and then followed in Xu Jiani's footsteps.

    With the man as the bait, Yang Changjiang ran for a while, and finally caught up with Qi Yue and the others, and came to the meeting place. Yang Changjiang looked back at the black cockroach army, and jumped into the car with a livid face. He started the car without saying a word, and fled the town occupied by zombie animals at the fastest speed.

    The base mission information was wrong, causing him to lose so many team members. Even if the mission was not completed, the base must compensate them. As for Cui Zhi and Chu Ziqian, they are not in his consideration at all. Now he just wants to quickly escape from this hellish place and return to the base.

    Qi Yue looked at the car that Yang Changjiang drove away, and a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes. This cowardly fool!

    Qi Yue did not run away, but stood calmly on the spot, watching the army of cockroaches approaching like a black tide. Qi Yue's team members did not have any intention of backing down. They stood quietly behind Qi Yue and had full confidence in their captain. Wang Ying also stood silently, staring straight ahead.

    They all understood that they must not escape like that Yang Changjiang, otherwise these cockroaches might chase them back to the base together. So many people in the base would face such an astonishing number of cockroaches without any precaution, and the consequences would be unimaginable.

    Just when those cockroaches were only one meter away from them, Qi Yue shot!

    "Ha!" Qi Yue roared and pushed his palms flat. The extreme cold emanated from his palms, instantly freezing all the living things in front of him, and within ten meters, all became an ice field.

    The cockroach army lost nearly 80%, and the remaining 20% ​​gradually stopped, not knowing whether they sensed the danger ahead, turned their heads and fled.

    When the cockroaches disappeared, Qi Yue's erect body suddenly swayed from side to side and fell forward suddenly. He stretched out his hand to support it on the ground, and finally did not fall in embarrassment, but knelt on one knee on the ground.

    "Brother Qi!" His team members immediately stepped forward to help him, but Qi Yue raised his hand and stopped them.

    Qi Yue's chest heaved violently, and his face was terrifyingly pale. The big move just now exhausted the ability in his body, and he has now entered a weak state. The trick just now was realized when he broke through the third level last night, and he could use his ice-type power to the extreme in an instant. He named him Bingfeng. This was the first time he used this trick today. He didn't expect that the cost would be so huge. If the remaining cockroaches didn't run away, I'm afraid they would be worse off today.

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