Chapter 46 Zombie Cockroach

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Chapter 46 Zombie Cockroach

    More and more zombie rats came out from all corners of the village. Although Cui Zhi's attack was strong, he couldn't hold back the large number and speed of these rats. Seven or eight rats broke through his firepower range. Hei Zi helped up the injured Yang Zi and hurriedly returned to the team.

    "Xiaoying, come and treat Yangzi..." Heizi subconsciously wanted to call Wang Ying over to give him emergency treatment, but when he turned around, he only saw the woman who would only hide behind others and keep screaming, and his heart sank. .

    Seeing this, Cui Zhi immediately said to the two teammates beside him, "Binzi, Xiaojin, I'll stand here, you guys can help him."

     The mouse, with a strong hand, directly squeezed it into a meat sauce. Xiaojin is a gold-type power user. He covers his body with metal, and controls the metal to form dense thorns while dissolving the attack of the zombie rats.

    With their help, Hei Zi helped Yang Zi to the safe place. He grabbed Yuan Mei, who was so frightened, and said viciously, "Hurry up and treat him!" Yuan Mei took

    a long time to recover. Shivering, he tore the clothes from Yangzi's wound with his hands.

    "Yeah!!!!" Yuan Mei screamed again when she saw that the edge of the ferocious wound turned black.

    "What's it called?! Don't hurry up and treat it!" What a fuss, they fought on the battlefield and suffered more serious injuries than this, nothing unusual at all. If it weren't for the inconvenience of transportation now, there is no way to use the powerful recovery agent newly developed by the central government, where would it be necessary to bring this woman who will only hold her back? !

    "He's infected!"

    "He's infected. He's a supernatural being. Even if he's infected, he can last for 12 hours. The base's anti-virus vaccine has been researched. Just bring him back and he'll be cured!"

    Yuan Mei was stunned by Kuroko's roar, and when she reacted, she was full of anger! Since she awakened the healing power, who is not respectful to her, even the leaders of the base have to be polite when they see her, how dare this guy who appeared out of nowhere dare to yell at her like that? !

    "Cure him, or you will be the next one!" Heizi's temper has always been bad, and when he met her eyes, he couldn't help but get even more angry.

    Yuan Mei really wanted to quit, but when she heard the screams of the mice and his threats, she finally understood her situation. Now she has to rely on these people to protect her to get out of here, and she can't turn her face with them now... Wait. Back at the base, we must sue them severely!

    Thinking of this, Yuan Mei reluctantly put her hand on the wound on Yang Zi's chest, activated her supernatural power, and began to heal his wound.

    Yuan Mei's healing power level is only one-level high-level, and the healing effect is actually a little better than Wang Ying. With her ability, she will not be able to cure such a serious wound in a while, and she can only barely stop the bleeding.

    Hei Zi looked at her with a rage, this woman held her own rare ability, and always regarded herself very highly, but when she really needed her, she couldn't help! On the other hand, Lu Wenyan, who is also a healing power, is only one level higher than this woman, and the treatment effect is many times better than her!

    "Why are you so useless?! The wound is still bleeding now!" Heizi decided that she didn't do her best, and her tone was even more fierce.

    "I've used all my strength! Come here if you have the skills!" Yuan Mei roared back angrily.

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