Chapter 24 Guilty conscience

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Chapter 24 Guilty conscience

    A punctured lung will cause respiratory failure, and Fang Jingyang might die! Lu Wenyan's heart sank. Fang Jingyang was the first person he met after he came here. This kind and loyal boy has become his recognized teammate, and there is absolutely no way for him to watch Fang Jingyang die. Immediately unconcerned about revealing his healing ability, Lu Wenyan hurriedly used [Rejuvenation] to treat Fang Jingyang.

    Fang Jingyang saw a few green lights submerging into his chest, and the sinking sternum slowly recovered. The pain that made him feel difficult to breathe gradually disappeared. Even the wound at the tiger’s mouth was healed. You don’t need to think about it. Saved him. Wang Ying was stunned at the side with a look of disbelief.

    At this time, the zombies buried by the stones slowly climbed up from the ruins, shook off the lime from their bodies, and stared at Lu Wenyan and the others with those blood-red eyes again. There were also scattered ordinary zombies around, attracted by the sound of this side, and gradually surrounded them. Everyone knew what was wrong, and they all waited strictly.

    "Captain Cui, I'll be responsible for dragging this big zombie. You take other people to find a way to cover the survivors' breakthrough." Chu Ziqian made a decision immediately.

    "No, I want to stay." Cui Zhi refused to leave alone. Now among the group of people, only his and Chu Ziqian's abilities are first-level high-level abilities, and they can barely fight this second-level mutant zombie. The mutant zombies are equivalent to the superpowers in the zombie group. The combat effectiveness of the second-level mutant zombies should not be underestimated. What's more, this one is still a strengthened type, and the strength of the skin is so terrible that even his fireball can't hurt him.

    "I will stay too." Lu Wenyan said lightly.

    Chu Ziqian looked at them and wanted to object, but couldn't say anything. Cui Zhi is a first-level high-level strength, and Lu Wenyan is already a second-level ability. He has the ability to heal and can use poison and acupuncture to acupuncture points (big mistake). His strength is unfathomable. He originally stayed with the determination to die, but if Lu Wenyan and Cui Zhi were to help him, he might really be able to fight this zombie.

    "I'll stay too." Fang Jingyang had relieved his breath and strode to Lu Wenyan's side. His idea was very simple. Lu Wenyan saved him and Li Mingyuan so many times. In such a critical situation, he would never leave Lu Wenyan and escape alone.

    Lu Wenyan smiled at him, there was no objection, he was confident that he could protect them well.

    It was the other people who saw Fang Jingyang, who had just been seriously injured and dying, suddenly stood up again intact, all showing a look of surprise, but they all knew that it was not a good time to ask questions, so they suppressed their doubts. .

    "I will stay too." Li Mingyuan refused to leave after seeing this.

    Zhao Hongbo opened his mouth and seemed to want to stay, but as a soldier he had to obey the order, so no matter how reluctant he was, he still did not speak.

    "No need, Captain Cui, Ayuan, you go first, to deal with this second-level zombies, as long as the three of us are enough." Lu Wenyan said confidently, he was not to appease them, but he already had it in his heart. A preliminary plan was made. This zombie has the same enhanced type as Fang Jingyang. It belongs to a particularly high physical defense. His needle skill is a physical attack, so it has little effect on the zombie. However, if it is replaced by a poisonous attack from the law system, the lethality will be stronger, as long as it breaks With its defense, there is nothing to fear.

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