Chapter 44 Acquaintance

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Chapter 44 Acquaintance

    Because they were too excited, the three of them tossed and turned all night and couldn't sleep. They closed their eyes and squinted for a while until it was almost dawn.

    The next morning, Lu Wenyan took a long time to drag these three guys out of bed. When everyone went downstairs to gather at the management office after washing up, the three of them were still sleepy with dark circles under their eyes. Especially the child, his eyes were narrowed into slits, and he stumbled when walking. In the end, Lu Wenyan couldn't stand it any longer, so he picked up the child and let him sleep in his arms.

    They just walked to the door of the management office when Qi Heng walked over to greet them with a smile, "You are here."

    "Where are the others?" Lu Wenyan asked curiously, shouldn't there be three more teams?

    "The others arrived early and have already gone to the gate of the base." Qi Heng glanced at Tang Yu who was being held in his arms by Lu Wenyan and said, "Is this child going too?"

    "Yeah, don't look at this child, he is also a second child What about a superhuman." Tang Yu's ability is very special, and he can often play an unexpected role when fighting the enemy, and the little guy is very sensible and will not hold them back at all.

    "Alright then, you come with me." With that, Qi Heng led them towards the gate of the base.

    Outside the gate of the base, four military vehicles were parked. Apart from the Hurricane Team, the other three teams had already arrived. The Hurricane Squad, who was late for gathering, stopped in embarrassment, and then pushed Chu Ziqian out as the leader.

    "I'm sorry, we're late." Chu Ziqian reluctantly stepped forward and greeted the other three teams, only to find that most of the people here were familiar faces.

    There are ten people on the first team. They are all wearing straight military uniforms, and at a glance they can tell that they are soldiers of the base. The leader of the team was actually Cui Zhi, Wang Ying and Heizi were also in the team, and they all nodded to them with a smile on their faces.

    There were only five people in the second team, all of them were men, and the leader was the unsmiling and resolute restaurant owner Qi Yue yesterday. He also showed a slightly surprised look when he saw Lu Wenyan and Chu Ziqian, but he quickly recovered and nodded to them. There was a faint aura about him, which was not seen last night. Lu Wenyan narrowed his eyes slightly and checked his information. Sure enough, he had successfully advanced to the third level. And the young people beside him looked like his followers, without any sense of existence. However, Lu Wenyan found that all of their power levels had reached the second-level and middle-level. I don't know if there was any credit for the few crystal cores he contributed yesterday.

    There were also five people in the third team. They were the three men and two women they met when they went to the management office to register yesterday. The big man at the head nodded to them with a simple and honest smile, but Chu Ziqian noticed the look in his eyes. Exploring his expression, he infers that this person is by no means as honest and honest as he appears to be. I don't know if it was because of the low level of power, but the four ordinary-looking men and women with him were very weak, and they kept their heads down and dared not make eye contact with anyone.

    In this way, aside from Cui Zhi's team, Chu Ziqian and his team had the most people.

    "Okay, everyone is here, then it's up to Captain Cui." Qi Heng nodded towards Cui Zhi, then turned and left.

    "Hello everyone, I'm Cui Zhi, the captain of the Jiangcheng Base Army, and the captain of the Flying Eagle Squad. I am the second-level middle-level fire-type ability user. I will be the commander-in-chief for this mission." The original Jiangcheng garrison has now been changed to a base. Army, and Cui Zhi made a neutral contribution to the mission of rescuing the Ningcheng base, and now he was promoted to captain.

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