4 - Lost Girls

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Prince Charming was telling Rumpelstiltskin and Priscilla what the Evil Queen had offered but and Rumpelstiltskin looked at him, "You must have something that can change Snow's mind," Prince Charming said.

"If she doesn't wanna fight the Queen, there's nothing we can do to change that," Priscilla said.

"I just need a way to make her believe in something that I already know. That she can face Regina and win," Prince Charming said.

"Magic can't make someone believe, dearie. It works the other way around. Belief must come from within. You know, the Queen's offer was a fair one. Do yourself a favour and take it. Ruling a kingdom ain't all it's cracked up to be. Just ask your dear old brother. Oh, wait. He died. You see my point," Rumpelstiltskin said and giggled as Priscille rolled her eyes.

"No. I didn't come here to take 'no' for an answer. Now you must have something. You always do. Just name your price," Prince Charming said.


Snow White practised her archery failing to hit the target, Prince Charming walked up to them, "Save those arrows for the Queen," Prince Charming said.

"I told you. I've already made up my mind. We're leaving," Snow White said.

"Not when you hear what Rumplestiltskin and Priscilla had to say," Prince Charming said.

Snow White looked at him, "You more than anyone knows that his deals always come with a price," Snow White said.

"And sometimes that price is worth paying. Without his help, you'd still be in that glass coffin," Prince Charming said.

"What did they say this time?" Snow White asked.

"They told me of a legend, a magical weapon, one that can help you reclaim your kingdom," Prince Charming said.

"Unless they can guarantee more lives won't be lost, I'm not interested," Snow White said.

"Weapon's only a half day's ride from here. We can be there before sundown," Prince Charming said.

"This weapon, you say it will help me defeat Regina. How?" Snow White asked as she turned around.

"By showing you who you really are," Prince Charming said as he watched Snow White letting her arrow fly and hits the centre of the target

End of Flashback

At the campsite, the Swan trio was sitting on a rock together looking at the parchment, "Our names as Katy, Emma and Elaine Swan," Emma said.

"I'd wager the solution to Pan's riddle is a bit more complicated than that," Killian said.

A creature howled in the distance as David and Mary Margaret sat across from them, "Don't hold anything back," Mary Margaret said.

Elaine exhaled deeply, "I'm Henry's and Julia's mother. We used to live in Boston and we were bail bonds people. I'm now the sheriff of Storybrooke," Elaine said.

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