6 - Quite a Common Fairy

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At Pan's camp, he, Julia and Henry were watching the Lost Boys who were talking or messing around with arrows, "Look at the fun they are having. The thing with this place, Julia, Henry, is that no one tells you no. You can do as you want," Pan said.

"Do they never hurt themselves?" Henry asked.

"All the time. Sometimes I had four boys with missing fingers. Cost of the game. They don't mind," Pan said.

"We don't belong here," Julia said.

"Actually, you both do. We've been waiting for you two for a very long time. Long before you both were even born," Pan said.

"I don't believe that," Henry said and Julia shook her head.

"You should. This place runs on imagination. On belief. But your world stopped believing. Magic is dying," The Mills twins looked at him, "And you both, need to save it," Pan said.

"In our world, you mean?"Henry asked.

"In every world. You need to bring it back. That's your destiny. To return the magic. To be the saviours," Pan said.

"Our mom and aunt, Elaine and Emma are the saviours. Not us," Henry said.

"They broke some curse, yeah," The Mills looked at him questioningly, "Oh, I know more than you think. But what if breaking the curse wasn't the thing that made that the saviours. What if Elaine having you two was. Think about it. You both descend from the greatest of light and of dark. Believing that's a coincidence that the sprout of the Dark One met your mother? You were created for a reason and I can help you find it," Pan said.

"So you're thinking we're supposed to save magic?" Julu3a asked.

"I'm not thinking. I believe. Remember, I've said I've something to show you," Pan handed them a scroll, "Here. I had this for a very long time. Long before you were even thought about. Take a look and you'll know why I'm so sure you're the hero magic has been waiting for," Pan said.

Henry took the scroll and without looking at it, he dropped it to the ground, "I don't believe you," Henry said.

"I don't either," Julia said.

Pan chuckled, "You remind me of your father," Pan said.

Enchanted Forest...

Neal, Mulan and Robin were preparing to summon Pan's shadow with the help of Roland, "I'll be right here, next to the window. Robin, behind the table. Neal, you need to be there, under the sill. You'll come up right under the shadow," Mulan said.

"That's a good plan," Robin said.

"I know," Mulan said.

Neal and Robin pushed a piece of furniture under the sill, "Hood. Man, thanks again," Neal said.

"Thank me when your family is back together," Neal shrugged, "What?" Robin said.

"I'm gonna save them. But back together, we'll see," Neal said.

"I thought you said you loved them," Robin said.

"I do. But we shall see if I can win her back," Neal said.

"Why wouldn't you?" Mulan asked.

"'Cause I screwed up the first time. Hopefully, I'll get another chance. When Elaine told me that she loved me I waited way too long before I said I felt the same. I won't make that same mistake again," Neal said.

"I'm sure she'll forgive you," Mulan said.

"I hope so. I've learned that lesson the hard way. When you love someone you don't keep it in. You say it," Neal said.

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