46 - There's No Place Like Home

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Later that same day at the Troll Bridge, one troll had captured Snow White and threatened her with a knife. Prince Charming fought a second troll, the troll manage to strike a blow against the prince's hand causing him to drop his sword, "Alright, alright," Prince Charming said.

The troll picked up the satchel and looked inside to find the Snow White Wanted Poster, he showed it around, laughing, "Snow White," He turned to the other trolls, "Tell the Queen she still lives," The troll said.

In the first, the group from the future were running towards the troll bridge.

Back at the Troll Bridge, the troll pushed his captive over to the other troll and prepared to leave. Catching Snow White the second troll was unaware that Prince Charming picked up his sword again and fought the trolls, "Go! I'm right behind you!" Prince Charming said to Snow White.

The group from the future were still running through the woods, "This way!" Katy said as they turned down a road.

At the Troll Bridge, Snow White headed away from the Troll Bridge, "Follow me. They don't know the forest like I do," Snow White said as she stopped and turned around to see Prince Charming was being forced onto his knees by the trolls. She was about to use the dark fairy dust as a weapon but realised her necklace where she kept it was empty.

The trolls prepared to behead Prince Charming, "Royal blood is the sweetest of all," The troll said.

"Stop! Stop the sword or I will turn you all into bugs," The trolls turned to see Snow White holding her fist up, "Dark fairy dust. So, you let him go, or I will be peeling you all off the bottom of my boots," Snow White said as she reached back into to throw it.

The trolls dropped the sword, "We don't want any trouble," The trolls said.

"Good and while you're at it, give me reason to forget this ever happened," Snow White said then one troll laid out her silver coins on the bridge's railing and then the trolls climbed off the bridge.

"You saved me," Prince Charming said.

"It was the honourable thing to do," Snow White said.

"But how? You used the dust on yourself?" Prince Charming said.

Snow White opened her hand, "Sand," It fell out of her hand onto the ground, "Trolls aren't exactly known for their cleverness," The prince chuckled, "Come on. We should go in case they come back," Snow White said as she took her silver.

With the group from the future, they finally reached the Troll Bridge, Killian and Katy noticed Snow White and Prince Charming left the bridge and they stopped the Swan twins, "Wait," Killian said and the four of them hide behind a bush and watched them through the branches.

"So, you probably want this," Prince Charming said as he handed her the pouch.

"Right, the gold," Snow White said.

"It appears your parents didn't need our help after all," Killian said.

"And, um, you can't get married without this," Snow White said as she handed him the sachel.

The prince took his mother's ring out of the satchel and looked at it, "I know, not your style, right?" Prince Charming said.

The prince took his mother's ring out of the satchel and looked at it, "I know, not your style, right?" Prince Charming said

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