11 - Impossible Girl (Original Ep: Ariel)

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The newly name pirate ship docked at its home port and Killian walked off the ship, "Captain, are we going to deal with the King?" A crew member asked.

"I need to see Esme first and get her away from any danger she may be exposed to, then we'll deal with the King," Killian said and he walked towards the market where he knew Esme would probably be.

"Princess, how wonderful to see you outside again and I hear congratulations are in order," A stall owner said as she looked at the Princess who carried a newborn baby in her arms and carried a basket where another was asleep.

"Oh... Oh, right thank you," Esme said with a forced smile.

"Now, now, Princess. I know you well enough to know a fake smile when I see it... What's wrong?" The stall owner asked.

"It's nothing... Nothing I can't handle," Esme said and walked on.

Killian stared in shock as Esme tended to the babies she had with her, "Esme?" Killian said.

Esme looked at him, "Killian?" She walked over, "Y...You're back," Esme said.

"Aye... What... What's going on?" Killian asked.

"You've been gone for over a year," Esme said.

"No... A few..." Esme shook her head, "What's going on? That land, time stops," Killian asked.

"Well, maybe moving between the realms is what moved time faster... I don't know, I hate magic," Esme said.

"What going on?" Killian looked at the babies, "Twins?" Killian said.

"I tried... I tried to talk them out of it...I tried to make them stop, they wouldn't listen to me," Esme said.

"Who?" Killian asked.

"My father and my new husband... Wish the sod would fall into the sea drunk instead of getting into my room," Esme said.

"You're married?" Killian asked.

"Well, I can't have an heir out of wedlock... I told him that you said you had something to ask me when you returned and you'd bring honour to our family, and... And would be a good husband, a good king and father and everything, I tried everything... But he wouldn't listen... He just wants... He just wants to expand the kingdom and now I'm trapped... I wish he died instead of mother," Esme said.

"A...And your husband... Is he nice to you?" Killian asked.

"No... Hurts me... A lot... Reason why I'm in town, he's in the castle... I lock the three of us in my room every night... I didn't want it... I don't want him... They don't listen but all I need to do is what my husband wants and that's a lot of stuff I hate," Esme said.

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