30 - The Tower

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At Mary Margaret's loft, David was about to drink his tea with the night root inside, "Now," David glanced at Zelena halting his movement, "You've already gone through so much together, I'm really surprised you two haven't worked through this," Zelena said.

"Oh, yes. We know but not all soulmates are forever," Mary Margaret said.

"Well, it's been almost 30 years. I'm sure we've had a good run," David said as he went to drink his tea again.

"Well, keep in mind that your healing David and Mary Margaret's are completely different," Zelena said.

"Well, that's putting it mildly. I feel like I've lost everything about who I was," Mary Margaret said.

"How's does that make you feel, David?" Zelena asked.

"Oh, me?" He lowered his cup, "I'm... I'm fine. I'm great," David said.

"Well, Mary Margaret was telling me earlier about what happened in the first curse, and losing your daughters, it's tragic... Look, I...I don't mean to pry, and then Priscilla wormed her way into your relationship like a snake," Zelena said.

"Okay, that's enough," David said.

"David, we're missing a year of memories in the Enchanted Forest. We suddenly find ourselves in Storybrooke and you're about to have a baby? It's a bit disconcerting," Mary Margaret said as she looked at him.

"I think it's best," David and Mary Margaret turned to her, "To just get these comments out in the open. Feelings, especially those we keep bottled up, can affect a pregnancy just as much as diet and exercise. Look, I suppose what I'm trying to say is that if you've got any fears at all about any of this, it's best to just get it out into the open," Zelena said.

"I don't... Whatever's coming, I'll get through it. I just need all your comments to stop before she comes home," David said.

"Maybe you're right," Mary Margaret said.

"Maybe? If it was you who was pregnant and people who say this about your unborn baby, you wouldn't stand for it and I won't allow you to say it about her again because we both know Aleena wouldn't lie about you commenting about her mother," David said.

"...You're right. I'm sorry," Mary Margaret said.

They sat in silence and drank their teas, Zelena watched as David drank his with the night root inside.

Zelena chuckled softly, "Do fearless... Speaking of which, Mary Margaret alluded that we pulled you away from some important town business. You know, I think we've done enough for today. We should just let you get back to it," David glanced at Mary Margaret who nodded and he stood up and shook Zelena's hand, "It was wonderful to meet you, Mr Nolan," Zelena said.

"Uh, David. Nice to meet you, too, Zelena," David said.

"Pleasure's all mine," Zelena said.

"I'll pack your things up, the girls need you more than the packing needs to be done," Mary Margaret said.

"Thank you," David said and left the apartment building, he got into his truck and drove towards the forest to meet the Swan twins and Killian. Once he arrived at the woods, he pulled out his sword as he got out of his truck. Unknown to him, behind him, a person who stood in a dark cloak appeared and started to follow him into the woods.

Meanwhile, Regina, Julia and Henry walked by the pond together, the young twins were eating ice cream as they walked, "The ice cream good?" Regina asked.

"Delicious. Our mom and aunt used to take me for gelato in Little Italy. But this is just as good," Henry said.

"Well, Storybrooke's got its own charms, though I know it must seem quaint compared to the big city," Regina said.

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