35 - The Jolly Roger

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Flashback: The Enchanted Forest - One Year Ago...

Knights on horseback led a carriage through a path in the forest. A man stood in the centre of the path, covered in armour from head to toe, blocking the way, the man drew his sword and the knight stopped.

"And just who might you be?" A knight asked.

"I'm the man who's going to relieve you of that chest full of gold you are transporting," The man said.

"You and what army?" A knight asked as he laughed.

"Well, I'm glad you asked," Suddenly torched were lit as the knight got surrounded, looking like an army, "Your choice. Save your lives or the gold," The man said.

"Retreat!" A knight yelled and the knights left the gold behind.

The man removed his helmet, Captain Hook, "Smee?!" Mr Smee ran over, "Those arrows took a lot longer to light than discussed," Captain Hook said.

"It wasn't easy lighting all of them by ourselves, captain. Maybe if we had an actual army..." Mr Smee said.

"And share in the spoils? I think not," Captain Hook said.

Three other men who helped them were standing next to them and helped to get the gold out of the carriage, "I got to say, it's good to be at your side again, sir, and... Not as a rat," Mr Smee said.

"Well... That's a lovely side effect of the curse-breaking for you, I'd imagine," Captain Hook said.

"I did like the mobility, but being a human is good, too," Mr Smee said as he opened up the chest to reveal jewels and gold inside.

"What did I tell you, mates? You don't need a ship to be a pirate," Captain Hook said.


Later that night in a tavern, Captain Hook and his men were drinking at a table, "One more, one more!" Captain Hook said as he and crew were gambling at the table.

"Oh!" The crew said as they turned to their captain who stood up.

Captain Hook raised his stein, "To the most clever, dastardly band of pirates to ever set sa-," He and Mr Smee looked at each other then laughed, "Stride on the open roads!" Captain Hook said.

"To Captain Hook!" The men cheered and they all drank their drinks, "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. The boys and I chipped in," The pirate glanced at his first mate curiously, "And got you something," Mr Smee said and pointed across the tavern to a wench.

The wench walked towards Captain Hook and took his hand, "Oh, Mr Smee, how did you know?" Captain Hook said as the wench led the pirate captain out of the tavern.

The wench walked towards Captain Hook and took his hand, "Oh, Mr Smee, how did you know?" Captain Hook said as the wench led the pirate captain out of the tavern

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