Chapter 12- All Aboard The Mugan Train

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Y/n pov-
Soon after I gave up on my training Zenitsu and Inouske began trading to master totally breathing constant and after shinobu had a talk with the two of them they were working Evan harder and it made me feel weak and embarrassed I had just gave up on training and now my friends are making me want to go back so I decided that I would train to master totally breathing const but by myself without Tanjiros help I started with meditating and then took it from there. Tanjiro had broken his sword during the battles so hageneta was here to give him his new on but he kinda tried to kill tanjiro cuz you know he hates when demon slayer break there swords I didn't bother to talk with them I was busy training. Zenitsu and Inouske were yelling at the top of there lungs I couldn't concentrate so went down to the yard and COULD YOU TWO STOP YELLING I'M TRYIG TO TRAIN! yes so sorry I won't yell anymore said Zenitsu, I don't take orders from YOU Inouske replied, ugh boys I hate you sometimes. Tanjiro and the others had regained there strength and now we would be leaving this place soon, at the moment we were all training with the girls and getting faster. It was the next morning and the talking crow came and woke us up to tell us we had a new mission, The casualties of the Mugan Train you just join kyojuro rengoku there you must head west at once, we graped our things and said our goodbyes the three little girls brought us some rise balls for the road inouske was already eating them though tanjiro walked off to talk to Giyu.

Tomioka tanjiro said
Heading into battle?
Yes sir
I've heard you've master total breathing constant
Yes I have
You should keep at it
Tomioka about Nezuko Thank you  the fact that you out your life at risk I don't know how to repay you
Just do your best our job is to kill demons I'll be going now
I will.

Hey Y/n when I stayed with you that night and you kissed me on the cheek what did that mean or what was it? Zenitsu asked
Well I was trying to tell you I like you, i really really like you *kisses his cheek*
O-oh welllllll I L-like you as well
I know you have since I've meet you.

*at the train station*
Wait a minute WHAT THE HE'LL IS THIS CREATURE inouske yelled wait could it be it look like it's sleeping but don't let it fool you
It's a train Zenitsu said
Wait inouske don't harm it, it could be the guardian of this land
It's a train didn't you hear me?
*inouske head buts the train, then garuds come runnign* Hey there four have swords
AS A NOT GOOD NOT GOOD RUN Zenitsu grapped Tanjiro and Inouske to ran and hide*

Why's we have to run from them any way
Cuz demon slayer arnt recognized by the government yet So we can just have our swords out in public like that. Oh no the trains leaving are the garuds still around
AHAHA here I come master of the land inouske said has he ran to jumps on the train
We should go to said tanjiro who was running after the train to
Well come on Zenitsu let's go Replied y/n
Ugh fine I'm comeing.

          To be continued........

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