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"I'm home."
Sakura took off her shoes as she made her way inside.
"Mom, dad are you home?" She called out.
She walked past the living room where p/n resided while sleeping the day away.

Coming out from the kitchen her mother smiled at her.
"Sakura your home! How was your day?" She asked.

"It was fine nothing too troubling."

"That's good to hear."
Her mother nodded.
"Why don't you help me set up for dinner."


"There all done."

Sakura turned to her mother who was washing dishes.
"Hey mom..I have something to talk to you about."

"Go on." Her mother said as she dried the plates.

"You remember y/n ,right?"

"Y/n? You mean that demon girl that went missing?" Her mother added in a content tone.

"For the last time she is not a demon. Anyway.. the hokage is planning a rescue mission for her and she has ordered one of us to house her for when she returns."

Her mothers hand wavered.
"What are you getting at ,Sakura?"

Sakura sweated.
"I was hoping we could house her."

Her mother dropped the plate consequently it shattering in pieces.

"Mom!" Sakura picked the pieces of the plate.


"Hold on let me clean this up."

"Sakura!" Her mother shouted.

Sakura looked at her mothers stern face.

"I'm sorry but we can't do that."

"What.. why not? She won't be a bother I promise!" Sakura pleaded.

"I know she won't but that's not the reason why."

"Then what is?"

Her mother sighed.
"Come let's take a seat."

Sitting across from each other at the table her mother explained to her.
"Sakura I know you like and care for your friend a lot and I wouldn't have a problem housing her if only for one thing."

"What?" Sakura asked.

"Sakura she is a target for all sorts of people. Why do you think she was kidnapped by two big shot criminals? If we take her in we no doubt are going to be targeted too."

"But that's only if they find out. She could be disguised and have her name changed."

"And what makes you think she would want to do that?"

"Well.. I don't know." Sakura looked down in disappointment.

"I'm sorry but I can't risk the possibility. What about your other teammates like that Naruto kid or that Sasuke boy? Surely they wouldn't mind taking her in." Her mother suggested.

Sakura stood up leaving the room.
"You don't get it.. I understand how much trouble she would bring ,but by housing her I was hoping she would be able to get to know the feeling of having a family again."

"Sakura.." Her mother drifted off.

Hearing all the commotion p/n huffed and walked out the room.
'Thank goodness I can't stand living here. Y/n.. hang in there they're coming for you.'

Sakura walked to where team 7 usually met and saw that her teammates were waiting for her.

Stopping before them she knew they expected an answer from her.
"Well?" Said Naruto impatiently.

Crimson Judgement (previously known as Konoha's Pride)Where stories live. Discover now