2- The Main Cast

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"...So, you met someone?" Asked Lucina.

"Yeah. I was trying to get to class, not even knowing where I was going, and next thing I knew, I was in someone's arms. Well, that sounds weird. I bumped into him and-"

"Yeah, I get it." Lucina cut Corrin off. "So like who was it?"

"I didn't catch his name, but he has bright red hair and blue eyes."

"Ohhh that might be one of my best friends, Roy. I mean, he's the only person I know who has bright red hair like that. Here, I'll introduce you to my friends."

The two girls got their lunch and walked towards a table with 3 people already there, who waved at them.

"Hey Luci!" Waved a blonde girl in pink.

"Sup guys! This is my new roommate... and friend, Corrin."

"Hi Corrin!" Said a dirty-blonde girl in purple. Next to her was a boy in green. They both had pointed ears. Must be from Hyrule.

"Corrin, the one in pink is Peach, the other girl is Zelda, and the boy is Link."


"Anyway, y'all know where Marth and Roy are?" Asked Lucina.

No clue." Answered Link.

"Luci! What's up?!" Yelled a voice from behind her.

"Roy! Marth!"

Corrin turned around to see a boy who looked very similar to Lucina, and the boy who she ran into earlier.

"Oh hey... it's you again! I'm Roy by the way."

"I'm Corrin."

Roy sat next to her as the other boy, who must be Marth, sat next to Link.

"So Corrin... how do you like it here so far? I- I mean it's only been a few hours, but..."

"I like it a lot, I mean, I have Lucina I can talk to... and now you guys."

"Good to hear." Roy gave a little smile before turning back to everyone else.

"Ugh, I see Ike is with his football friends over there." Marth looked over at the next table over.

Just as he said that, a tall blue-haired boy got up and walked to their table.

"Oh hey guys!" He's said.

"Oh Ike... we were just talking about you!" Said Peach.

The boy, who must be Ike, furrowed his brows at that statement. "Why?"

The rest of the group just looked at each other, and then looked back at him. "Oh that's not important."

Ike shrugged his shoulders. "Well, I was going to ask if we could all meet up after school?"

"Sure! Just as long as you don't bring... them..." Marth gestured towards Ike's table and the people there.

Ike nodded and went back to his table.

"So what's so bad about them?" Asked Corrin.

"Nothing... other than the fact that they're lame slobs." Said Marth.

"They're not that bad. They're just annoying." Said Lucina.

"May I ask... exactly who are they?" Corrin asked.

"Ah yes, Richter, Shulk, and occasionally Mac. Okay so Ike used to hang out with us a lot. Until he became the star quarterback of the football team. He started hanging out with them and we really haven't heard much from him over the summer. Also, if you couldn't tell, we're kind of outcasts... except for maybe Marth, Zelda, and Peach. Maybe he's embarrassed by us or something, I don't know." Lucina explained.

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