11. Sweeping It Under The Rug.

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Jon's POV:

I woke up to the sound of Magnolia crying which isn't anything new. This poor baby has been dealing with a cold for the last few days, it's breaking my heart. The antibiotics are helping a bit, but seeing your child in pain and there's nothing you can physically do to take it away is painful on its own.

I've had Madison help me care for Mags since she has a calming aura around her. I know I've probably mentioned it before, but Travis is so lucky to have a woman like Madison. It makes me think that one day, I'll have a love like theirs. But for now, it's just wishful thinking, and that's totally okay.

I had grabbed the infant from her bassinet and started to rock her back and forth in my arms. That helped soothe her a bit, but you could tell she was still not feeling the greatest. The next time she can take another dose of antibiotics is in another half hour, so once she gets fed a bottle, she can take another dose.

Once Mags was able to fall back asleep for a little bit, I whisked away into the kitchen and started to make a bottle of formula for her. Thinking I was alone, I started to sing softly to myself until a hand was placed on my shoulder. It freaked me out a bit, but then I relaxed, noticing it was just Madison. Speak of the devil, haha.

"Shit! How long have you been standing here?" I asked sheepishly.

"Long enough to hear you singing. I don't know why you're so jumpy; I've heard you sing before, Langston," Madison teased, grabbing something out of the fridge.

I laughed softly, shaking the baby bottle after prepping it, "I know. I can't help but be jumpy and on edge. Life has been kickin' my ass lately."

She frowned, "Is everything okay? You can talk to me about it- only if you're comfortable!"

"Long story short, it's girl problems. Danielle and I have had a falling out. It's been rocky for a while, but she accused me of something I didn't even do.." I admitted softly to my friend's better half. "Don't get me wrong, she's got a, uh, feisty personality, but she has a huge jealousy problem despite us not even being together romantically."

"Oh my God! Are you serious? I thought Dani was better than that. I'm so sorry, Jon.. Please forgive me! I feel terrible; this is horrible.." Madison sadly remarked, her head hung down low.

I hugged Madison and smiled sympathetically, "It's not your fault, Mads. You have good intentions and I know you wouldn't set me up with someone who treats me awful. It's just one screw up; you're probably a wonderful matchmaker."

She laughed and shrugged, "Well, I don't know.. I have another girl in mind, but I don't want to overwhelm you. Let's just focus on one woman at a time."

"I hear ya on that, Mads. If the next girl is anything like Sonia or Danielle, I'll lose my mind."

"No worries! She's really nice. If you and Dani don't patch things up, then I'll plan to get Lana out here to Nashville in a jiffy," Madison replied, smiling softly.

Lana? That's a beautiful name. Regardless of if Danielle and I patch things up, I'd still love to meet this Lana girl; it'd give me options because like everything in the world, there's pros and cons to everything and everyone.

After we finished our conversation, I grabbed the baby bottle from the counter and went into the room that me and Mags was staying in for the time being.

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