12. Valentine's Day.

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Danielle's POV:

Every notification has been from Brian, my ex.. What in the fuck could he want from me?! If it's sex, it'll only piss me off worse than ever before. If he can't let me have just one Valentine's Day where I don't have to worry about him, my heart is going to be so crushed. Today's supposed to be about reconciling with Jon and patching things up.

But enough talking about my heart hurting and everything, it was time for me to continue on with all the last minute packing I was doing. Me and Madison decided that for a surprise for Jon and our healing process, I'd go and visit him for the day. Besides, it gives me an excuse to admire the beauty of Tennessee... Just not the Broadway part, that place isn't as pretty as it seems. Just coming from personal experience, haha.

After hanging up a coat hanger back in my closet, a specific article of clothing caught my eye; it was none other than a hoodie that I bought from one of the merch tables when I saw Jon and the rest of the Four Wheel Drive boys back in December. The men each had their own little section, so me being the very supportive person I am, I did splurge and buy the hoodie. I guess after the little dispute thing we had, I just tossed all my Jon stuff to the side.

And no, there's no creepy, crazy shrine dedicated to the guy hidden in my closet. My feelings for him aren't that strong and quite possibly will never ever get to that point. Let's thank God that He didn't make me out to be one of those obsessive girls who have weird shrines like that. It's just not my cup of tea, but to those who are like that, kudos to you. I could never be that obsessive.

It finally hit me and it hit me pretty hard; that hoodie was definitely coming along with me for the ride to Nashville. If you would've told me on Valentine's Day this year that I'd be traveling out of state for a guy that I've done wrong, there would've been a lot of laughs had and me calling you a dumbass for even thinking of that actually happening. But oh my God, it's actually happening..

Speaking of, that also reminded me, the old hat that was gifted by my old roommate slash best friend since childhood, Samantha, was still on the tip-top shelf of my closet. It made me so damn emotional just thinking of all the fun times me and her had. Whether we were tearing it up at some weird frat party when the two of us were in college, a country concert she always drug me to, plus everything else in between; we were like Bonnie and Clyde, but less dangerous doings and more particularly, we were both girls.

Of course, I say "were", because sadly, my girl, Sam... Ugh, it hurts me to even think of this, but she is no longer here on earth anymore. The way she was taken out was one of the worst ways imaginable... Her death traumatized me to the point that sleeping was something I would absolutely dread. It was that bad!

My parents got so worried, they were going to take me to a mental institution to help me calm down because anxiety medication wasn't even helping the horrible panic I'd experience every day and night. The panic attacks that were experienced and had during that time was certainly unforgettable.

Samantha and I didn't see eye to eye on everything in the world and we had our differences, but at the end of the day, she was like a sister to me. We had been close for years, so her death hit us all like a freight train. It still hits me constantly.

We had so many fun times together. She was like the little sister that I never had. She was only six months younger than me, but she did act like a little kid half of the time. When we found out that we both were going to the same university, we just knew that hell was going to be raised if we weren't roommates. The university person who did the dorms did us right, which made us two so happy. We got to be roommates for four years. Best years of my life, honestly..

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