14. Stress Is A Mess.

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Madison's POV:

Well, February was an eventful month, we're now in the month of March! Jon and Magnolia did move out of mine and Travis' house last week. It was bittersweet, honestly. I honestly never knew how much it'd affect me until it actually happened. On one hand, I'm happy and proud that he finally got him and Mags their own place, but then again, I miss the heck out of both of them, but mostly little Mags.

There have been a couple times where I've walked past the guest room and open up the door, expecting to see Jon and Magnolia, but there's neither of them there. It hurts me, not even going to lie. I had gotten so accustomed to the two being in my home, it kind of makes me sad with their lack of presence.


"Madison! Hello? Are you even listenin' to a word I'm sayin'?" Travis asked as I was just lost in the movie we both were watching.

It was one of the many Harry Potter movies. Even though it isn't Travis' cup of tea, he does watch it because it gives him something to do... And because he loves me just a bit, haha. 

"What is it, Trav, babe? I was watching and paying all my attention to the movie, I'm sorry... Can you repeat what was said or asked?" I questioned and apologized to him.

"Sorry, I wasn't getting onto you, calm down," He chuckled before continuing. "Have you spoke to Langston? How's he enjoying his house?"

"So what you're trying to insinuate is that you haven't spoken to him?" I giggled as I snuggled close to my sweet, loving boyfriend.

"Hit the nail right on the head, babe. Anyways, you didn't even answer my question. Did you text or call him? I'm sure you have, you need your daily dose of Magnolia, don't you?" Travis laughed, running his fingers through my long, blonde hair.

"No, I decided he needed some time to settle in and everything else. Which reminds me, we're so rude! We didn't even try to suggest some help for him. How could we forget to ask him, Travis?" I shook my head in response.

"Jon will figure it all out. He's a grown man and he's stronger than he knows! Though, I'm sure he's relieved that he doesn't have to deal with that Danielle girl being wishy-washy like she was on Valentine's Day. To the next girl he finds, if it's another fluke or something like that, it isn't going to be pretty. I've seen that dude at his highest and lowest moments. And honestly? I'm scrambling to check in on him as much as possible. If another girl affects him like the last two, who's to say that something bad will or won't happen to him? I've known Jon for many, many, many years. That guy is my best friend, he deserves just as much love as he gives to others..." Travis explained softly to me.

Once he was done talking and explaining everything, there was literally no words that were coming to mind for me to say. I never knew that Jon struggled that much. Obviously, that isn't my place to know about his battles, because at the end of the day, that's his business... But it's insane because he definitely holds himself very well. Just like Travis said, he's stronger than he knows.

Jon will most certainly get this all under control. The man is so strong and has what it takes to heal from these bad apples of women. There's no way I would be able to go through even half of the stuff he has, still make it out okay, and be in one whole piece! Truly, I admire that man for his strength and integrity.

After dialing his number, I waited for the tone until he answered. What could be heard was the sound of baby Magnolia crying. Aww, poor little thing! I hope she's okay and not sick again. I know she had an awful ear infection not too long ago.

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