13. Valentine's Day, Part 2.

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Jon's POV:

"Madison! What the fuck happened to her?!" I cried hopelessly, the words barely coming out of my mouth.

"J-Jon, I have no idea what happened. I had just walked in the room to see why on earth she was crying... Travis has been watching Georgia sports on the TV, you were answering the knock at the front door, and I was showering. She doesn't seem to have any wounds on her from what I can see, but it makes no sense; why is she crying like this? She's never cried this much since you two have been here with us.." Madison breathlessly told me, gazing into my eyes.

For me, it was just tears falling swiftly from my own eyes. It's not just a matter of what happened, but who did it. Or at least getting to the bottom of what is going on with her, anyway..

"Look, I've got enough stress on my plate. Danielle hounding me about the house hunting thing plus telling me off about my decisions has me stressing more than anything. Why did you invite her out here, Madison?" I questioned, starting to get angry again over the encounter that Danielle and I shared at the front door.

"Slow down! Be calm, there's already enough stress with house hunting, you having a lot of tour dates to do this year, and now whatever's going on with Maggie. Stay calm-" Madison kept running her mouth until I politely cut her off for a second or two.

"How am I supposed to stay calm if I have this woman who has no reason at all to be in my business standing right in your living room? This was supposed to be an upgrade from the last girl I was with.. Look, Madi, you're an amazing woman, but your matchmaking skills are not up to par," I chuckled, trying to make some sort of good joke within these really awful circumstances.

Madison cradled Magnolia in her arms and looked down at her with so much love. She is really good with children whether she wants to admit that or not. Honestly, if her and Travis did want to, in the future, they'd in fact be the best parents in the world. Like truly, there's no doubt in my mind on that.

"Okay, you see here, I just knew that today was terrible for you. This is the first Valentine's Day you've spent without you-know-who in like, what, two years? Either way, I just thought it was a good idea.. I am so sorry... I was only just trying to help you and make the bad feel a little better for you," She apologized, a few tears dropping down to her cheeks.

As she was weeping while talking and explaining everything, I grabbed Mags from Madison and took a seat on the bed, her following suit as she sniffled a bit. Not even going to lie at the slightest, it broke me seeing her cry. It hurts seeing anyone cry, but seeing Madison crying just broke me a lot more than anything.

"I'm really just pissed off that Danielle called me a dick when I've tried my hardest to be nothing but nice to her. Don't get me started on when she started to judge my personal life choices right when she comes up to the porch.. Imagine how that'd feel, it sucks," I sighed softly, looking in Madison's eyes.

"At first, I thought me and her were going to move past our disagreements, but that is not going to happen. Then after she critiqued every life choice I made, she asked if she can go see Magnolia. She's insane, honestly! I'm sorry for talking smack about your friend or whatever, but she pissed me off to my limits," I shook my head in shame.

"Hey! Will you just calm down for two seconds? I totally get it, you're upset about what happened between you and Danielle, it's hard, I'm sure it is. You, uh, definitely aren't a dick... You actually are so amazing! It's not Dani's place to be judging you or telling you how to live or what you should do... Don't even worry about her anymore. She can go and be somebody else's problem," Madison giggled as she had caressed Maggie's cheek as I was cradling her in my arms.

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