24. Movin' Out.

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Madison's POV:

I could not contain my excitement nor could I stop myself from squealing after receiving a surprising text from Lana! Her and Jon began dating without me even knowing a single thing from either of them- usually Jon tells me these kind of things; this is so insane! I'm happy for the both of them.

It's in perfect timing as well! It's currently the month of July. Today is July 7th, to be exact! Jon and Travis and one of their musician buddies, Noah had released a song with one another called, 'Drinkin' In A College Town'; they are set to record the music video at some point this month, so it'd probably help out a lot on Jon's plate since he'll have Lana out in Nashville to watch after Mags while doing the music video and all the other things he has planned out for the rest of this year. It'll be helpful so he isn't constantly having to ask his parents to babysit after his baby girl.

Currently, me and Travis were in Nebraska helping her pack up stuff at her house. What no one knows except for me, Lana, and Trav is that she's going to be making the long move to Nashville so she'd be closer to Jon and Mags!

Lana was nibbling on her fingernails as she was pacing back and forth in her now empty bedroom. She was worried and nervous about moving across the country, but her mother had no worries about her moving. In fact, her mom seemed a bit relieved that she was moving?

To be honest, I think that ever since Lana's dad passed away, her mother has been very secluded and pretty much kept away from everyone for a very long time. It's sad, but it's going to be a fun, new, exciting experience for Lana to get out of Nebraska; her getting out of her comfort zone is the best thing to do. I'm so proud of my friend!

Thank goodness that Travis was able to accompany me on this trip though because there was no way me and Lana were going to be able to lift and put all the heavy stuff in the U-Haul truck on our own.

Since she's moving to Nashville, we're going to have to either find her an apartment to move into or she'll have to stay with me and Trav for a while.. The only reasoning behind that is because that's up to Lana and Jon on if he wants her to move into his house so soon.

"Mads, I'm starting to feel like this is a horrible idea; my mom hasn't been in the best head space at all. What if leaving her isn't the best idea right now? There's just a lot weighing heavy on my mind..." Lana muttered out nervously. "How am I supposed to move and travel across the country with two cats?! I- I don't even-"

To console her, my hand rubbed gently on her shoulder, even if it wasn't the best way to help her feel better. She needs to get out of this state at some point. She misses every single opportunity that she doesn't take- meaning that it she doesn't make this move, she'll miss out on so much.

Majority of her stuff is packed up, so there's no going back now. She can't back down now!

"Lana, c'mon, girl... Your mom is going to be just fine. She's been in a horrible head space since your dad passed; you aren't responsible to make her feel better. She wants you to do this! All of this! You can't go against Momma's wishes. Your daddy would've wanted this for you as well- he would've wanted to see his only daughter happy.. Come on, help me put the rest of your bathroom items in this box," I replied to her worries, walking back into the bathroom that's across the hall from the guest bedroom.

She nodded her head and followed after me into the bathroom, taking the shower curtain hooks off of the rod as she then folded up the curtain that had pink, black, and mauve colored butterflies all over it.

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