1. Penny Boards and Walker Guts

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I walked through my house jogging down the stairs and into the kitchen. I grabbed my penny board and walked outside. I walked down the path and onto the street. I dropped my penny board on the ground and road it over to Ron's house.

When I reached the tall two story house I grabbed my penny board and walked inside not bothering to knock. I ran upstairs saying a quick hello to Jessie. I barged into Ron's room and jumped on the bed next to Enid.

"Hey." I said giving her a slight nod and laying my penny board on my lap.

"Sup?" She asked barely glancing up from her book.

"Mikey!" I said dragging out the 'e' sounding part. I held my fist in the air and waited for him to fist bump me.

"What we doing today?" I asked laying back on Ron's headboard.

"Not sure. Thought we could ride around the streets. Maybe play some basketball." Mikey said excitedly.

"I'm down." I said sitting up and grabbing my penny board. We all piled downstairs skateboards in hand. I was the only one with a penny board. I had three more at home. My older brother use to work on scavenging before the accident.

We all walked onto the street and got onto our boards riding to the basketball court. Ron carried the basketball since it was his and we arrived at the court moments later. This place wasn't exactly small but it was small enough to be able to go from one place to another in a few minutes on boards.

I placed my penny board gently under the metal bench and I tugged at my blue jeans that were slightly falling down. I pulled up the long sleeves to my blue crop top. I slid my leather jacket off and walked on to the court.

"Same teams." I called out as Enid and I walked to one side of the court and Mikey and Ron walked to the other.


Two hours later and we were all called to go into our homes. We weren't sure why but we obeyed orders and went separate ways back to our homes.

I reached my house and walked up the path penny board in hand, opened the door and walked inside. I lived alone since I had no family and I refused to live with anyone else. Deanna understood and let me live alone but she usually came to visit or Henry would come and see me to make sure I was okay. Henry was an older man. He was more a father figure. He was wise and he understood me.

I threw my board on the couch and walked upstairs. I walked into the bathroom and stripped stepping into the shower. I quickly washed off all the sweat and dirt from my body. I stepped out and grabbed a towel. I walked into my room and closed the curtains before taking off my towel. I changed into my usual outfit; black long sleeve crop top, blue jeans, combat boots, my pink heart necklace and my leather jacket.

I walked down to the basement slowly knowing I had time. I looked at the large, black piano before opening the mini fridge that didn't actually work and grabbed a soda.

I heard a loud knock on my door and I ran up the steps expecting to see Henry.

"Enid?" I asked as she pushed past me and went into my living room. "What happen?" I followed her and sat next to her on the couch.

"New people. A new group." She said staring at me with a serious face.

"Kids?" I asked hopefully but keeping my face emotionless.

"Baby and a guy around our age."

"A baby?" I asked my eyes widening.

"Yup. Baby girl." Enid lips twitched up into a small smile.

"Let's go." I smirked grabbing my board off the couch and running out the door with Enid.

We rode down the street and towards Ron's house who was already outside with Mikey. They saw us and joined us on the ride. We rode towards Deanna's house but took a shortcut so that we ended up in her backyard. We did this often when we had new people.

We peeked through the window and watched as people came into the room, talked to Deanna and left so that a new person could be interviewed although we had already missed a couple interviews. After seven people were interviewed the eighth person made me completely freeze.

"Oh my god." I whispered backing away from the window.

"Lexi? What's wrong?" Enid asked turning around towards me.

"It can't be him. It can't be." I kept muttering words.

"Lexi!" Enid whisper yelled at me.

I shook my head and ran away. I ran to the street and rode my penny board all the way over to my house. I ran up my steps and burst into my house slamming my front door behind me.

I paced my room running hands through my blonde, curly hair. I didn't know what to do. I thought he was dead. I thought he didn't make it. How could he be here?

I screamed and punched the wall causing my fist to go through and make a hole in my wall. I sat on the floor and started to cry. My knuckles were stinging and most likely bleeding but I didn't care.

He was alive and he was here.

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