2. Hello Old Friend

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It's been a day since they arrived. I managed to stay unrecognized. I would make myself known eventually but not now. I didn't know what to say to them yet.

"Enid what chapter now?" I asked to the girl next to me. We were in Ron's room randomly hanging out like always.

"Five." She said quietly flipping a page to her book.

"Ron! Come down for a minute!" I heard Jessie's familiar voice calling out to her son. Ron sighed and jogged downstairs. I could hear voices but I didn't pay attention, I just continued to watch Mikey put new wheels on his skateboard.

Soon enough Ron came back but he wasn't alone.

"Guys, this is Carl. Carl this is Mikey, Enid and Lexi." At the sound of my name I slowly looked up to see Carls eyes glued on me.

"Hey Carl." I said shakily and I gave a small half smile that lasted about two seconds.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Carl glared at me. "I thought you were dead!" His voice was raising and I didn't want my friends listening to this so I got up and pulled Carl to the bathroom and shoved him inside. I closed and locked the door after I went in after him.

"Don't you dare pin this on me!" I hissed pointing at him. "I thought you were dead too. Besides we were kids I couldn't exactly go looking for you. I thought you were dead. I thought you were all dead!" I could feel the tears stinging my eyes but I blinked them back.

"You could have at least tried." Carl said softly. He sounded hurt and I immediately felt guilty.

"I couldn't. My parents dragged me to my grandparents farm." I sighed running my fingers through my hair. "Carl I wanted to, I really did. I didn't have a choice. I had to leave." I felt the water running down my cheek. I wiped away the single tear that had managed to escape.

Carl stood there for a moment before pulling me into a hug. I was surprised at first but gave in and wrapped my arms around his neck. I breathed in his scent which was dirt, sweat and a baby smell.

He must be close with the baby. I thought to myself.

"You seriously need a shower." I smirked pulling away from him.

"Yeah, I guess I do." Carl chuckled rubbing the back of his neck.

"Come on. Let's go let my friends know we're okay." I sighed and led him out of the bathroom and to Ron's room.

"You guys are alive." Mikey smirked.

"Shut it meat head." I sat back on the bed next to Enid and Carl stood next to me.

"Basketball?" I asked smirking. Yes, we played basketball a lot. We didn't exactly have much to do around here.

In response everyone whooped and we all piled out of the house. I rode my penny board while everyone rode their skateboards. I noticed Carl jogging behind us.

"We'll meet you there." I hollered stopping my board and walking with Carl. "I have something for you." I grabbed his wrist and we ran towards my house.

We ran into my house and up to my room. I went under my bed and pulled out the box underneath. I opened it and took out my green penny board that had pink wheels.

"Here. You know how to ride?" I asked curiously.

"Nope. Do you have another one? This ones neon pink." Carl nose scrunched up and I chuckled.

"What's wrong with pink?" I asked defensively.

"I dont know its just to girly. I have a reputation." Carl smirked nudging me playfully.

"Fine you can ride my black one." I sighed shoving the closed box back under my bed. "Break my board and I will strangle you. You're the only one I've let use my boards so don't make me regret it." I said looking him dead in the eye. My penny boards were my babies.

"I'll try not to break it. I dont know how to ride though." Carl said scratching the back of his neck.

"That's why I'll teach you." I said in a 'duh' tone. We exited my house and walked onto the street.

"Okay first you need to know how to push off and get moving. Put your left foot on the board. You're gonna push off with your right. Take it slow. Don't go to fast to soon." I demonstrated before letting Carl try. He wobbled but kept his balance. Once I made him keep practicing he finally got it and we moved to steering.

"Okay steering is easy. All you have to do is lean in which direction you wanna go. But watch out you don't lean to far or else the board will touch the wheels making them stop and you'll go flying." I demonstrated again and let Carl try. First time he leaned to much but he wasn't going fast so he was fine. He finally got the hang of it after a few tries and we moved to stopping.

"Okay stopping is simple. What I personally like to do is use the foot I push with to glide on the ground. It'll slow you down before you can finally stop." I said demonstrating yet again and than letting Carl try. He got it first try since it was pretty easy.

"Okay now let's try riding down the road. Remember what I told you about your foot position and don't lean to much." I said and we started to ride down the hill at a slow pace. Carl was a little wobbly but he got the hang of it so we started to speed up a little.

"You'll be riding like a pro soon." I smirked as we made our way to the basketball court. "Here's a turn. Remember to lean but not to much." I said as we rounded the corner. Carl nailed it and I got closer and we high-fived.

"Hey um, I didn't wanna ask earlier but... are you parents here?" I glanced between Carl and the basketball court that was getting closer.

"My dads here. I have a new baby sister." Carl said looking in front of him. So that's why he smelled like a baby.

"Your mom?" I asked softly.

"Dead." Carl said coldly.

"I'm so sorry Carl." I said my chest starting to hurt. I knew Carls mom well. She was a nice woman. Terrible cook though.

"I had to put her down. I had to end it. I couldn't let her turn." I heard Carl mumble, I barely heard him over Mikey and Ron screaming as they played one-on-one.

"Carl." I said stopping him at the gate to the court and picking up my board.

"I-I watched my parents get ripped apart by those things. It was about 4 months ago." I looked at my feet sighing remembering what happened.

"How did it happen?" Carl asked softly. "You don't have to tell me, if you don't want." I took a deep breath before starting my story.

"We were in a store and they came out of no where. We ran into a back room and they were banging on the door but there was another side door they weren't yet banging on. My dad said to run and that he would distract them. My mom said she wouldn't leave my dad. They told me to go to a food truck we saw outside the building we were in and that they would meet me there. I did as I was told and ran with Brim as they distracted them. I heard screams as I was in front of the door. I ran to see what was wrong a-and they were bei-being ripped apart b-by those things. I waited days for the walkers to leave. Brim kept telling me we had to leave but I wouldn't listen. I even set up a car out about 100 to 200 feet away and set a walker on the steering wheel so the horn would sound. I-I saw my pa-parents. They were walkers banging on the window in the store. I p-put them down Carl. I-I had to. I c-couldn't leave then like that." I said tears spilling down my cheeks. I felt a soft thumb rub against my cheek wiping away my tears.

"It's gonna be okay." Carl said lifting my head so I was looking at him. "You're with me now. I'm not going to let anything happen to you. You were my best friend in school and you're still my best friend now." I got up on my tippy toes and wrapped my arms around Carl. He hesitated before wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Thank you." I whispered into his hair.

Carl didn't reply as we pulled apart and walked onto the basketball court.

"Same teams! Mikey you and Carl switch second round." I commanded and Enid walked over to me.

"What's up with you and the new guy?" She asked slightly smirking and glancing between us.

"He's an old friend." I smiled focusing on the game.

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