6. I Can Fly

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I was flying. The wind was whipping around me. I was a delicate bird. It felt like hours but in reality it was only mere seconds before I hit the ground. I screamed as pain wracked through my body. I tried to stay awake but my eyelids were becoming heavy and there was an annoying ringing in my ears. My head rolled to the right and I saw Carl and Mikey running towards me. Their mouths were moving but they weren't saying anything. Just as they reached me I passed out.

Carl's POV

"LEXI!" I screamed getting on my knees. I could already smell the alcohol but I ignored it. I shook her shoulders violently. "Wake up. Come on Lexi. You gotta get up. Why? Why'd you do it?!" I muttered tears streaming down my face.

"We have to get her inside." Mikey said looking at Enid who had emerged from the house.

"Don't you have an infirmary? We should get her some real help." I said angrily.

"No! They'll know she was drinking and they'll punish her." Enid said helping Mikey pick her up. I pushed them aside and lifted Lexi's body bridal style. She looked dead but if you looked closely her stomach was moving up and down.

Enid walked ahead of me while Mikey looked around making sure no one saw us. We entered Lexi's house and I walked upstairs to her room. I laid her gently on her bed and moved back letting Enid take care of her.

I walked downstairs giving Enid and Mikey some space. I walked into the kitchen and saw a smashed bottle with a liquid surrounding it on the ground. What the hell? I'll have to ask Enid about that later.

I sighed as I sat in the living room rubbing my face. My eyes were stinging but I refused to let any tears fall. Not here. Not now.

"She's still passed out but she should be fine. Her arm is broken and she has a concussion but she'll live." Mikey sighed standing in the doorway of the living room and rubbing his face.

"Shouldn't Ron be here too?" I asked curiously wondering why he wasn't here.

"Yeah. Your right. Ron knows better than anyone what she's like. I'll be back." Mikey said with wide eyes in realization as he headed for the front door.

I heard the front door open and close and I let out a groan. I couldn't help the jealous feeling I got. What does he mean when he said 'he knows better than anyone what she's like'? I know what she's like. What happened between them while she was here.

Grumbling I stood up and was about to walk upstairs when the front door opened slowly.

"Dude, how did you g-" I cut myself off when I saw it wasn't Mikey or Ron. It was my dad. "Dad? What are you doing here?"

"Where is she?" He asked frantically.

"Who? Lexi?" I asked nervously.

"I saw her fall Carl. No one else saw her I don't think. Where is she? Is she alright? Why didn't you take her to the infirmary?" My father spit questions at me angrily which made me become agitated.

"She was drunk. She's sleeping I imagine. She passed out after she fell. Mikey said she has a broken arm and a concussion but she's gonna be fine." I sighed rubbing my face.

"Why isn't she in the infirmary?" He asked a little calmer but still angry. He laid a hand on his hip while using the other hand to rub his freshly shaved face.

"Enid said she would be punished for drinking." I shrugged turning and beginning to walk upstairs. I heard my dad's footsteps behind me, following me up the stairs.

I knocked lightly on the door before cracking it open.

"How is she?" I asked walking into the room.

"She's sleeping. She was awake for a few minutes but she passed out again." Enid said. The room was dark so I couldn't really see her face but the tiny bit of light coming from the window that landed on Enid's face made the stained tears slightly visible.

"What kind of punishment?" My father asked staring at Lexi's fragile and weak looking body.

"What?" Enid asked confusion taking over her facial expression.

"What kind of punishment if they found out she was drinking?" He averted his gaze to Enid as he looked her in the eye.

"They'll lock her up. Force her to stay in her house for a week with nothing to do. No visitors except for Deanna or Henry. Last time that happen, she tried to-to kill herself." Enid said a tear streaming down her face which she violently wiped away.

"Where is she?!" A loud yelled came from downstairs and pounding footsteps were heard coming up the stairs. Ron appeared in the doorway before he stopped abruptly as he took in Lexi's appearance.

He slowly walked into the room kneeling next to Lexi by the bed and taking her hand in his. His back was turned to me so I couldn't see his face.

"Dr.Braden!" Mikey suddenly blurted out. This made Enid and Ron look at him with wide eyes.

"Go!" Enid said and Ron nodded his head.

"Who's Dr.Braden?" I asked curiously.

"He'll help her. He's helped with this before." Ron said more to himself than to any of us.

"I have to go. Keep me updated. When she wakes, come get me." My father said. I nodded and watched him exit the room. Sighing I turned to Enid.

"Can we talk?" I asked glancing at Ron. She nodded and led me to a different room.

"The smashed bottle downstairs, what happen?" I asked curiously.

"She was screaming and yelling. Saying she could be an angry drunk or whatever. She threw a bottle of something at me. I ducked and it smashed against the wall. I haven't gotten a chance to clean it up yet." Enid sighed running fingers through her hair.

"She'll be okay." I said softly after a few moments of silence. "She'll be okay." I said a little louder for reassurance.

"Yeah. She'll be okay." Enid said and we walked back into the room together.

I stared at her. She was beautiful.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2016 ⏰

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