Chapter 1

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(Eden's Pov)

  Please don't find me. Please don't find me. I think as I hide from my father's wrath. I am currently situated under my bed, shaking with my eyes closed as I hear the thundering steps of my father going up the stairs.

    He's getting closer. You should just accept your fate and take the beating like a man. What did you really expect to happen when you came out? huh? Did you think your parents would actually love you for who you are? THEY BARLEY LOVED YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE!

     I flinch at the dark voice in my head. It's been with me since my father started drinking, which was over 14 years ago. The voice was right of course. What was I thinking? Did I really think my parent would have accepted me? I can barely stay in the same room as them without a glass flying at my head! I didn't even mean for the confession to slip out and now I have to pay the consequences.

(30 minutes ago)

"Where's Eden?" my father questioned. "I don't know probably crying like the bitch he is."  my mother snorted as she took another swig of the vodka before passing it to father. "EDEN GET YOUR ASS HERE RIGHT NOW." my father yelled before chugging the rest of the bottle.

     I quickly came down the stairs and stood in front of my parents, not daring to look them in the eyes. "A teacher of yours called us today and said you were having disputes with your classmates. Is this true?" my father spit out in an eerily calm tone.

       ".....yes father..." I mumbled. "What? I didn't hear you." my father said mockingly. "Yes father." I said trying to keep my voice from shaking. My father stood up with the now empty bottle in his hand. He started slowly walking towards me. I was trembling, I could barely stand, my legs were too shaky. He stopped in from of me and put his finger under my chin so I could look him in the eyes.

     "The teacher said they were calling you names like 'faggot' 'fairy' 'lil bitch' and you did nothing but take it like the disappointment you are." I flinched at every word he spouted. "Now why were they calling you a faggot son? What did you do?" he stated calmly. "I-I um I-" my stuttering was stopped with hard slap to the face. "Why are you stuttering boy?! Talk like a man not a little bitch." my father yelled as I held my cheek trying my hardest not to cry. " I was caught staring at a male classmate for too long father." I stated trying to make the pain and fear I was feeling. "And why were you staring at said classmate son?" he asked staring me down with that wicked look in his eye. " I-I thought he was .....pretty...." I whispered but I was sure he heard when I was met with another loud slap to my face.

     "YOU DISGRACE!! YOU CANT EVEN STAND UP FOR YOURSELF AND YOU ARE A FAGGOT ON TOP OF THAT???" my father yelled in my face. A kick was sent to my stomach and I fell to the ground clutching it in pain. One kick after another I didn't think they would stop but they did. I almost sighed in relief until I heard the bottle break.

  At this point I could barely move but the adrenaline kicked in when I saw my father hurdling over to my crouched figure with the broken bottle in his hand. I knew that if I didn't get up now, my life would be in danger.

   I bolted up the stairs and slid under my bed. Hoping I had a few moments before I had to deal with him. While I was in pain, trying not to make a sound, I started to think about how my mom reacted to the whole situation. She just sat there watching with amusement in her eyes. I shuddered at the look in her eyes as she was watching her husband beat the living shit out of her son.


   As my father made it up the stairs, I had to think quickly. So far my best idea was running to the window and jumping out hoping I don't break too many bones when I fall and bolting towards a neighbour's house.

    This plan sounded the best so I decided to go with it. I scooted from under the bed as the door opened. I turned around and was met with the dark eyes of my father. Before he could launch, I quite literally threw myself out the window. There was a quick 2 seconds of air time before I landed on the ground. Before I landed I heard a distinct "Shit" coming from my father as I'm guessing he wasn't expecting that. I had to move fast as he was probably going to try to get me back inside before anyone can see me. I ran as far as I could with the injuries I had and ended up by the house next to us.

   I started knocking frantically as I saw my father running towards me in the distance. Luckily the door open in time and I fell in before quickly shutting the door. The knocks and bangs from my father could probably be heard on the other side of the road as I just breathed in relief.

    The young woman standing infront of me looked baffled. I mean it's not everyday you see a bruised and battered 18 year old running away from their abusive dad and ending up straight in your home so I don't judge. I lock the door and ask her for her home phone. I call 911 and tell them everything that has happened. They said someone will be on their way so it was now just a waiting game.

   The young woman was nice enough to bring me tea as we waited for the police to arrive. My father was still banging on the door like his life depended on it since it kind of did now. When the police finally arrived they took my father in cuffs and thats when I finally dropped. All the adrenaline had worn off and I was in so much pain. Fortunately the police brought an ambulance with them so they brought me onto the strecher immediately. The last thing I saw before I passed out was my mom walking out of the house in cuffs screaming and yelling like my father. I can finally rest.


I'm sorry I was a week late with this update but it's a a thousand words so hopefully that makes up for it!!

Please be warned that my update schedule will be weird as I do not have a set schedule.

I will also not put TW before most things because this book has all the warnings stated . If you can't handle it then I'm sorry this  book isn't for you.

Anywho this chapter is not proofread so if you see any mistakes don't be shy to tell me!! If you see any   errors in terminologies through out this book don't be shy to correct me because I have not experienced any of this so I'm writing from what I've read and seen.

See you next time I update <3

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