Chapter 6

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Eden's Pov

      We have been driving for about 40 minutes now and it has honestly been pretty fun. Mr.Valentine has been asking me these non stop funny questions that I can't seem to stop laughing at. They usually have nothing to do with the topic we talk about before so they always catch me off guard.

     "If you had to kiss Shrek or marry Sonic which would you do?" Mr. Valentine queries. I snort " Easy, I'd marry Sonic I would see what else he's fast at....". Mr.Valentine starts laughing so hard that he had to stop the car for a moment.

     I wondered to myself....why was he so good at making me relaxed? I was usually a very quiet and reserved person but with Mr.Valentine I felt more comfortable than I have ever been in my life. Without me knowing it he was already breaking down the walls that I put up.


We finally arrived at the house and it wasn't what I was expecting at all. When I heard it was a "home" I thought it was a cover up for some kind of crazy person's hospital but looking at the mansion in front of me I couldn't be more wrong.

    The house seemed to be atleast three stories yet it didn't give that " techy modern" vibe that a lot of mansions gave. It looked cozy, which is a weird thing to say for a building structure but that was the only way I could describe it. The whole house looked inviting.

(I suck at describing things so the photo up is what it kind of looks like but not exactly. Imagine it a little wider with more space and instead of that glass balcony there is this wooden balcony with one of those swing chairs on it.Got it? ok)

He walked up to the house obviously expecting me to follow but as inviting as the house seemed I was stuck in place. I was obviously not the first person he has brought here since the home was created so there were probably atleast 3 other people that I had to meet and that scared me.

  I had never been quite good with human interactions since most people who interacted with me either bullied or made fun of me. This took a toll on my confidence so I just stopped trying. Now I would have to meet more people and then live with them??? This was not going to work.

    Mr. Valentine finally noticed that I wasn't following so he back tracked. "Hey don't be scared, you don't have to meet anyone tonight we could just go to your room  and I'll tell everyone you would meet them tomorrow...ok?" Mr. Valentine says in a gentle voice. But this unnerved me more. Would they be disappointed? What if they think I'm this weird shy nerd person who would rather be couped up than meet other people??? I mean I am but I don't want them thinking that.

"It's ok Mr.Valentine, I can meet them tonight I was just distracted so I stopped walking." I say in a totally believable voice. Mr.Valentine gave me a weird look but didn't question it passing it off as nerves.

      We walked up to the door with my stuff in hand. Mr. Valentine was about to open the door when it flew open.

"YOU'RE BACKK" someone yells and flings themselves onto Mr. Valentine.


.....I really gotta stop saying I'll have chapters out by certain times butttt.. thanks for waiting!! Also we've reached 2k reads!!! I was just thanking you guys for 1k last chapter but thank you again!<3

Also who do you want to be the first other person besides Mr.Valentine, Eden meets?

(Please answer this cause it helps when writing the next chapter!!)

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