Chapter 8

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Amanda sat on the floor listening to music. She could not put down the latest album from Karin Evans. She sang along softly as she slowly re-packed her duffle bag. Her family would be back to collect tomorrow. And, of course, she would be glad to see them, especially her older brother, Lewis. She really wanted Lewis to meet Caesar. But she was not looking forward to her Mother's reaction. Amanda had the feeling that her Mom hadn't known that Will even had Caesar. If she did know, why had she kept it a secret all this time?

"It's open, Caesar," Amanda called about half a second before the knock sounded on her door. It was as if her thinking about him had summoned him.

"You forgot this," the young chimp thought to her as he came in to the room and pressed a hairbrush into her hand.

"Hey, thanks, Caesar. I've been looking all over for that," Amanda said as she dropped the brush on top of her pile of clothing. Then, she zipped up the top and pushed the bag aside and turned to her friend with a slight frown. "Are you mad at me about something, Caesar?" she asked him worriedly.

"Yes," he answered right away.

Amanda blinked in surprise. "Well, don't hold out on me. What is it? What did I do? I'm really sorry I knocked over your statue puzzle."

And he almost had it done, too, Amanda thought.

"You leave tomorrow," Caesar replied.

"I know. But I'm not gone yet," Amanda told him. She reached over and put her arm around the chimp and began to gently comb her fingers through his hair. "Come on, Caesar. I have to go home. You knew I wouldn't be staying here forever." Amanda had already stayed three days longer than expected thanks to her brother's getting into the finals of his video game competition. "It's thanks to my nerd brother I've been here for this long."

When Caesar still remained a little stiff, Amanda moved to put both arms around him. He relented quickly enough, hugging her back as she buried her face against his shoulder, and he buried his muzzle into her hair. They held on to one another for a long time in silence, just enjoying one another's company.

"I'm gonna miss you too, Caesar," Amanda whispered as she swallowed back a sob. "Come on now. Help me out here, huh? I don't want to spend my last evening balling my eyes out."

Reluctantly, Caesar nodded, and the two youngsters set about making the most of their last evening together.

The evening was capped off nicely when Charles and Will came into the living room in time to see Amanda teaching Caesar how to slow dance around the living room as the adults stood and watched from the doorway.

"He picks that up better than you did," Charles teased his son.

"well, it's not fair. He's got a prettier teacher than I had," will countered, grinning at his Dad.

They both laughed, but then Charles let out a long sigh.

"It's been nice having a little girl around the place. It will be so quiet around here when she's gone," Charles mused sadly. "Caesar's really going to miss having her around."

Will sighed. "Yeah, I know. We all will, really."

"You and Caroline could help with that, you know," Charles dropped a not very subtle hint about wanting more grandchildren.

"Dad, cut it out!" Will warned his father.

"I'm just saying," Charles said innocently.

Once they realized that they were being watched, the two kids decided that the grown ups had stood by and played wall flowers long enough. Amanda grabbed Charles, and Caesar snagged Will, and that was how Caroline found the whole family, dancing around the living room when she came home late from work that night.

Caesar took the last turn around the living room floor with Caroline just before the two were sent up to bed.

"You're still mad at her, aren't you?" Amanda yawned as she curled up with Caesar in his attic room.

Caesar only yawned and nodded.

"Look, Caesar, I know she hurt you pretty bad, but she really does love you. She didn't mean to be so mean. Grownups are just thoughtless that way, sometimes. Try to be a little more forgiving of her, huh? She is really sorry," Amanda pleaded Caroline's case.

Caesar just shrugged, not openly agreeing or disagreeing with what Amanda said.

"Boy, if you're this stubborn now, I don't know if I'll be able to stand you when you're all grown up," Amanda declared.

"Oh, you will," Caesar thought at her, being deliberately casual about it.

"Oh, don't you wish," Amanda shot back and giggled.

Soon Caesar was laughing too, and that was how they fell asleep, tangled together and giggling to beat the band. They were completely unaware when Caroline came up, heaved a long sigh, and tucked the blankets around them both before she went back downstairs with a heavy sigh.


Hello my wonderful patient readers!

I'm sorry this is such a terribly short chapter. Not usually my style, I know, but I wanted to make sure I got something posted before the end of this year. And I also did not want to end the year on a bit of a sad note, separating Amanda and Caesar and all. I hope you all enjoyed it anyway, despite the short length.

Now for a question to you all? Should I include their parting scenes in the next posted chapter or just leave that bit out? Let me know what you all think?

I hope everyone has happy holidays, and a great new year ahead. Big huge thanks to any and all who are still with me, and the usual warm welcoming hugs to any new readers. The story is just getting going folks, so hang on and stay tuned.

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