Chapter 3

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They spent most of that evening trading braille lessons for sign language lessons. Caesar was an incredible teacher, but an even better student. By the time Amanda called a halt because she was getting tired, and because she wanted to go downstairs and watch one of her all-time favorite movies, King Kong, Caesar was already writing everyone's names as well as simple sentences in braille.

Amanda was surprised when he joined her in front of the TV. When Charles came in and discretely dropped a box of tissues in to Amanda's lap, Caesar was puzzled.

"Why tissues?" he signed to Amanda.

"Oh, I'll need them," she told Caesar, already wiping one tear from her eye and the movie was just getting started. "This is a sad sad movie."

"Then, why watch?" Caesar asked, even more puzzled.

"Because it's great!" Amanda exclaimed. "Watching King Kong is kind of a family tradition. Course I usually watch this with Dad and Lewis—"

She broke off and sighed. She really missed her big brother but was not about to admit it out loud.

"It's a classic movie, Caesar. It's got I don't know how many remakes, though this one is the best of them all."

She hesitated then.

"hmm ... maybe you shouldn't watch it, though," she said worriedly.

"Why," Caesar demanded indignantly. 'If Amanda is old enough, so am I."

"Well, okay, but there are parts you might not like."

The movie started, and both Caesar and Amanda were completely enthralled. Caesar thought the girl, Ann, was very pretty and could sing and dance very well. But when Kong made his first appearance, Caesar did not move, his eyes glued to the screen.

And when it was finally over, both he and Amanda were using the tissues from the box.

"Hey, what were you guys watching, anyway," Will asked, finally coming out of his office.

He saw the credits scrolling by, and frowned.

"King Kong?" he asked.

Caesar stood up, beat his chest and did a decent Kong impression, pretending to defend Amanda from imaginary dinosaur foes.

Will still looked a little concerned but laughed despite himself.

"Okay, Buddy, I get it," he chuckled. "But it's way past your bedtime ... both of you."

Both Caesar and Amanda made very similar noises of complaint.

"Come on now, you can protect Amanda from big lizards tomorrow, now go get ready for bed you two. Scoot!"

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