Chapter 12

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"Hey Fay Wray, why so far away?" Franklin quipped as they drove towards the San Bruno ape sanctuary. "Oops, sorry. I promised I wouldn't do that anymore, didn't I?"

Lost in her own thoughts, Amanda jumped at the sound of the man's voice. "What? Oh yeah," Amanda muttered. It didn't bother her much anymore, not if it came from Franklin. From him, she felt it was a sign of affection, a little good-natured teasing, like Lewis did, sometimes.

It was a loaded question, though. What was not going on in and around Amanda's life? Amanda wondered why bad things always happened in waves.

Everything around her was changing. Her body was changing, albeit slowly, though her mother kept telling her there was nothing to worry about, and she would catch up all too soon.

Her best friend was changing, and not for the better. Caesar was quieter, tense, profoundly unhappy, and its broke Amanda's heart to see him that way. Traumatic life events do change a person, and no one knew this better than Amanda Grace King. It was a hard lesson of life that she learned early on, and not just once but twice. She was barely six years old and lost her best friend because he protected her from a kidnapping/molestation/probable murder. Then, she learned it again at seven, at the hands of the torturers at the so-called 'psychic school'. None of those life altering events prepared her for how to help Caesar through his time of need.

It was bad enough that he knew he came from Will's lab, and he felt angry, hurt, and betrayed by Will for that, but he was confused about his place in human society. Although everyone who loved him insisted that he was not a pet, he knew by now that, in front of other humans, he had to wear the trappings of one.

And, as if there was not enough going on to complicate Caesar's life, Charles was getting sick again. Whatever medicine Will gave him didn't work anymore. It was different this time, since the old man did not have near as many violent fits, but he was so quiet, lost, and sad, often thinking that Amanda was his granddaughter by Will and Caroline. Caesar refused to leave the house or Charles, although Amanda knew some time out would do him a world of good, she could not convince him to come with her, not even a short distance to see little Lily. Just getting him out into the back yard took some effort, and they were never there for long. And Lily could not come to the house. Sometimes, too many people around upset Charles.

There was her old buddy, Franklin, and her nightmares ...

"Are you okay?" she asked her friend, putting one hand on his arm. It came out before she could stop herself.

"Uh, I'm okay, why? Is your Spidey sense tingling again?"

Amanda giggled despite herself. "Oh, it's nothing I guess," Amanda said vaguely. She could not bring herself to tell Don Franklin about the bad dreams she had concerning him lately, and since her telling people these things never helped –it usually made matters worse, she kept silent. "It's just ... I'm so worried about Caesar and Charles and everything?"

"Yeah, what's up with Caesar lately? He's been awful standoffish. He's not sick, is he?" Franklin's concern was genuine, and Amanda loved him for it.

"No," Amanda confirmed. "He's not sick. Besides, he's got the best vet in the world living with him, remember?"

"Yep. Doc Aranha's the one I'd want to go to. Listen, sweetheart," Franklin began. "I've done a little research on this gorilla you're going to meet. Are you sure you want to? Everyone says he's got a really bad temper. They say he doesn't like anybody.

"Then, he needs me even more," Amanda insisted. "Besides, I promised Karin I'd look in on him while she was out of the country."

"Yeah, about the great Karin Evans—" Franklin trailed off.

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