Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Up in his attic room, Caesar was putting away his puzzle pieces when he heard voices downstairs. Slipping out on to the landing, he peered over the rail, and had to hold back a hoot of surprise and sheer delight.

Down below stood the little blind girl he had met in Muir Woods the other day. And, she was hugging Charles, the two of them talking animatedly.

Now Caesar was burning with curiosity. Did she know his family?

"Hey buddy, come on downstairs," his human Father Will Rodman said as he climbed the stairs. "got company I want you to meet."

Caesar hooted softly, and practically hurled himself down the rail. He landed in a heap at Will's feet.

"Take it easy there," Will grinned down at the Chimpanzee who was like a son to him. "She's not going anywhere for a while. Come on."

Caesar forced down his excitement and followed Will in to the living room. Amanda and Charles sat at the piano. Amanda was plucking out a tune, and Charles was beaming at her as he guided her fingers with his own.

"Dad, I'd like Amanda to meet Caesar," Will commented with a fond look at his Father.

"Oh yeah, definitely!" Charles was ecstatic. "You gotta meet our Caesar, Mandy."

The girl slid off the bench, and Caesar again had to resist the urge to rush to her. Instead, he stood very still as Charles led her over to he and Will.

"Amanda, this is Caesar," Will said, taking Amanda's hand and holding it out in Caesar's direction. The Chimpanzee reached out his own hand, and grasped Amanda's with infinite gentleness.

"Uh, hi there, Caesar," Amanda was astonished.

Caesar's a Chimpanzee, Mandy," Charles and Will said together.

"But don't be afraid," Will added. "He's a member of the family. He won't hurt you."

Caesar saw Amanda's eyes widen. She was remembering him now. She smiled at him, and he gently squeezed her hand, hooting softly at her.

"Caesar, Amanda's blind," Will signed to him. "So, she can't see when you sign. Hmm, now how are you two gonna communicate?"

Caesar already knew about her blindness, of course. But he did not let on to Will that he knew. And the girl did not seem to be letting on, either. Caesar was not sure why they both were trying to keep the secret, but it was no trouble to play along. Maybe he'd ask her why if they got a moment alone.

"Amanda's gonna stay with us for a few days while her families' away," Will kept signing to Caesar. "Why don't you show her your room, Caesar."

Caesar let go of Amanda's hand long enough to sign to Will.

"Amanda stays in my room?" Caesar signed to Will.

He would be more than happy to share his space with the girl. Then, the young Ape gently took back Amanda's hand and began to trace letters on it, repeating for her what he had said to Will.

Looking at the two of them holding hands, Will grinned down at the young chimp and the young girl.

"I think we have enough room she can have her own while she's here, Caesar," Will told him.

"Well, they can play in his room," Charles put in, seeing Caesar's disappointment. "Why don't you two run and do that While we get a room ready for Amanda."

Caesar felt his human Grandfather's eyes on them. Had he seen how he and Amanda had been talking with one another? Very gently, Caesar tugged on Amanda's hand, and hooted happily when she let him lead her upstairs.

"Why the secrets?" the Chimp signed in to her hands sometime later.

"Oh, I don't know," Amanda began. "You didn't tell Wil about me."

"Not know you knew Will," caesar replied.

"My Mom works with Will," Amanda explained. "She's been a scientist on his team all my life. And Charles was my music teacher, before he got sick. I help out Franklin, sometimes. He's another one of Will's team.""

"He's better now," Caesar said. "Charles is better."

"Yeah, but how can that be, Caesar. The disease Charles has, had, they can't cure it."

"Will's special medicine," Caesar said.

He watched as Amanda's eyes widened.

"Special medicine ... he found it, then? He found the cure for Alzheimer's Disease?"

Caesar Shrugged.

"Will give Charles special medicine. Charles gets better quick."

Caesar hooted softly with laughter as the human girl gaped at him.

"Caesar! That's amazing!"

"Will you help me with something?" Caesar asked his friend.

"Me, help you? You bet, what is it?"

Amanda looked so pleased that Caesar did not feel bad about asking her now.

"I teach you sign, you can teach me ..." He was struggling to remember the word. He'd looked it up a few days ago, it was how blind people could read and write with their fingers.

"Braille. If I teach you sign, will you teach me your braille?"


Amanda beamed at him. Caesar almost thought he could see beautiful sunlight shining out of her blind eyes.

"Sure, I can do that. When?"

"Start now?" Caesar asked, eager to get started.

Amanda grinned, and their lessons began.

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