Truth or dare

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Truth or dare
484 words
It's about 9:00pm up at stark towers. A long day of "saving the world". Anyway Tony gathers everyone to the lounge, well kind of forces for all of you to come and sit down.
Tony: everyone I need your asses down in the lounge, we're playing a game of Truth or Dare.
Steve: Tony I'm not playing! I'm going to bed.
Thor: c'mon Steve, it will be fun. Fine then if you don't come put ur Americas ass in yo face.
*Everyone laughs at Steve but Bucky is grinning.
Making Steve frustrated and coming down the stairs to play anyway.

Tony: So the rules are you ONLY get 2 passes for any questions you get. Pretty simple. OK? Alright let's get into it.

Tony: Banner Truth or Dare?
Banner: Truth!
Tony: I've always wanted to ask you this... so, how big is the hulk part down there... In other forms I mean how big is the dick. HOW big????
Banner : uhhh ToNy. I PASS. I am not answering that question.
Thor: I've never actually wondered that but now I want to know.
*Tony whispers to Thor
I wonder how many chicks he would get with that dick.
* they chuckle loudly when everyone else wondered what there talking about.

Thor: Peter, Truth or dare
Peter: Truth.
Thor: Have you fucked Y/N yet?
Peter: WHAT...
Y/N: why does everyone think we fuck? 'I know' is it just because you think we're both the same age. Peters like... 12 isn't he.
Peter: I'm 16 all of you stop treating me like a baby, because I'm not a baby
Y/N: uhh still the same, but if you didn't notice I turned 18 last week?!?
Natasha: you turned 18 last week now. I didn't know that.
Tony: so I'm taking that's as a no then, Peter are you a virgin?
Peter: Thor already asked me a question I'm not answering that. It's not my turn anymore.
Y/N: by the look on that face I think he is a virgin.
Peter: no I'm NOT
Y/N: ohhhh ok now.
Bucky: My turn!

Bucky: Y/N Truth or Dare?
Y/N: Dare!
Bucky: I Dare you to kiss the hottest person in the room now.
*Y/N stairs at everyone in the room. Clint and Banner both left so that leaves, Peter, Tony, Steve, Wanda, Natasha, Thor and Bucky.

The room is so silent drawing all the attention to you and your decision. You finally decide and slowly walk over to Natasha, connecting your eyes with hers then you bend down and give her an amazing kiss on the lips leave everyone speechless. The butterflies kick in  your stomach as you walk back over to were you we're sitting.
*Bucky thought for sure that you were definitely going to kiss him but obviously not.


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