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I moaned into Natasha's mouth as her hands
ran over my chest. Her mouth didn't leave mine as we continued to kiss and grind into each other. I managed to unclasp her bra and she quickly threw the thin bit of material away from us. The soft light from the moon made the room glow, i couldn't take my eyes off her as she sat up and paused. She looked down on me eyes burning with desire, I took a moment to take all of her in. From the way her waist narrowed to the fine scars that littered her body. I'd never really looked at her like this before, her chest rose and fell quickly as she tried to catch her breath. I let my finger tips drift up her hips and waist as goosebumps began to cover her skin. I tried to hide my smile knowing the effect I was having on her.Straddling me she slowly began to push my shirt up my body, exposing my stomach and then my breast. I shivered in anticipation, I wanted to feel her skin against mine. "Please Nat..." the words came out as barely a whisper but she continued to slowly drag my shirt up and over my head. I suddenly felt very naked as her eyes drank me in. Her finger tips traced over my collarbone and was soon followed by kisses that felt like butterfly wings brushing my skin. My breath caught and I realised I was tilting my head and offering her my neck.Her fingers again traced my nipples which didn't feel as if they could get any harder. A quiet moan escaped my mouth, there was no point trying to hide how turned on I was, my body was doing a good job of showing it.Again her lips followed her fingers as she lowered herself down my body. Soft and delicate kisses covered my chest, her tongue pausing to brush past my nipples. I could feel my heart hammering through my chest as again she went lower. This time her fingers brushing my hips as she began to settle herself between my legs, the very legs I'd opened up for her without realising. I wanted to blush at how needy I was for her but honestly in that moment I didn't care about anything but the feel of her mouth on my body. Her mouth traveled across my stomach between my hip bones, I bit down on my lip to hold in the whine of impatience.Inner thighs were next, her fingers traveled up and down pausing only to take in the old scarred burn mark I'd tried to hide for most of my life. I'd always thought it was ugly but her mouth made it feel loved. She spent a little longer there softly kissing the scar that had troubled me all these years, I don't think I'd ever look at it the same way. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling of her tongue roaming my legs until it suddenly vanished. I was about to look up and protest when I felt her closing in between my legs. I knew she was pausing, teasing me, making me wait for some kind of release. I tried to be patient but I could feel her light breath on my wetness. "Nat...." Was all I could manage before her tongue was on me, I felt my body arch up off the bed as she began to slowly lick me, her tongue flicking over my clit occasionally making me twitch and moan. I was lost to her touch, it was almost lazy as she dragged her tongue across my wetness again and again. After a while she added a finger and I cried out her name. I continued to breath hard as she brought me closer and closer to the edge. I ran my hands through her hair pulling her closer to me, I didn't want her tongue to stop as I moaned louder. Definitely glad we didn't have neighbours. "Nat I'm gonna..." I didn't even get the words out as the orgasm crashed over me, my legs twitching she slowly kissed up my body until her mouth found mine.I could taste myself on her lips as we kissed slowly, her tongue softly playing with mine. She pulled me into her arms and kissed my forehead. "Now go to sleep" she whispered into my hair, I was going to protest my but eyes felt heavy as the twitching subsided. I wanted to make her feel good but the tiredness was winning. I mumbled something and began to cuddle into her. I don't even really know what I said, but she chucked."You're pretty cute agent" her lips brushed my forehead again, "sleep well baby, I'll look after your demons tonight" were the last words I heard before sleep beat me

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2022 ⏰

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