You really can't resist me //

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Enjoy my loves
A short one
709 words
Im just so sick and tired of wearing my panties natt... "not here y/n" "why not i know you want it" nat walks over and whispers in your ear "fine meet me in my room in five" i whisper back " yes mommy. Will do. I'm waiting in her room and she walks in and I say "you really cant resist me"
I stand up walking over to her putting my wet mouth on hers making out with her. she shuts the door and pins me down on the bed. I flip her over having complete control over her. I sneak my hands under her shirt taking off her shirt while she did mine we both threw off our shirts and soon after pants too now she sat in-front of me in her black bra and she sat there  twirling her hair too tease me.
I was sitting with my knees too my chest looking at natasha, her hands crawled behind her back undoing her bra, i licked my lips and looked at her tits "hm you like that down you" she teased me and i felt a little sparkle inside me as she came closer too me i slowly spread me legs revealing my soaked panty, Natasha was sitting a couple of inches away from me and lifted up my chin "your so wet for me" she always loved too take control "yes just for you, all for you" i said while biting down on my lip, her hands sneaked behind my back taking off my bra, the cold air hit my tits and my nips went hard, she slowly started rubbing my tits with the tip of her fingers as i let out soft whimpers, she pulled me down my my lower hips and straddled on top of me our hips bucking together for a second let me too let out a moan and I saw Natasha smirking. "please fuck me tasha.." i said and she moved her body onto mine both our boobs touching "you want me so bad dont you?" "Fuck...yes so bad" i whimpered and tucked her bottoms she very slowly started too rub my clit through my panties and I immediately whined out "fuuckk" she stopped and pulled down my panties and hers too "are you gonna cum for me?" "Yes...yes tasha" i obeyed. She lifted her leg and placed us in the scissor position she licked her fingers and stroke my pussy with it "oh god" she started rocking her hips into mine her pussy hitting my spot at all the moments "oh fuck natasha, yes oh god" i whimpered letting out moaned uncontrollably "shit baby you feel so good" she whined throwing her head back, she placed her hands at my waist riding my g-spot "fuck-Yes right there tash. FUCK" I almost screamed out, everytime her clit met mine it send a sparkle right down too my core causing me too moan out. Natasha too was getting close i could feel her getting sloppy and wet, i started rocking my hips in the same motion sending more vibrations down her core "like that?" "Fuck yes baby yes fuuuck" she moaned out and than at that one point we both found that exact spot riding eachother as best as possible crying out "NAT, FUCK YOUR GONNA MAKE ME CUM SO HARD" i cried out as her pussy became more wet by the second "JEZUS Y/N FUCK, YOUR SO FUCKING GOOD" she moaned out what made me even more wet and the vibration kept coming and we both couldn't take it anymore "ohhh shit babe im gonna cum all over your pussy" she whined"FUCK""RIGHT THERE" that sent me over the edge "FUUUUCK" "YOUR SO WET"and at that moment was pure bliss. Both coming all over each others pussies slowly riding my orgasm out. nat fell back on the bed "fuck babe your the best" trying too catch her breath "nat, this was literally the best sex ive ever had" she laughed and smiled i put on her lingerie and doing mine after, i grabbed her by her waist and snuggled in under the covers.

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