c'mon you know you want me🥵

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swearing, Consent is important.
Natasha Romanoff quick smut
729 words
I got home from work. It was such a long day. I just wanna to get into bed. "hello anyone here?" no answer, weird there's always people up at stark towers. Maybe there all out?. oh well. I put my bag on the counter and walk to my bedroom, and I see Nat naked on my bed with a vibrator. WOAH. I slam the door shut and she replies with "you already saw everything, just come in." c'mon you know you want me. "Don't test me slut." GET IN HERE. I walk in and take off my shoes and shirt. i get up on top of her just to tease her, kissing her. She moans loudly and yells my name "Y/N! d-don't stop!" When I stopped she was squirming on the bed and moaned more which made me wet. i chucked the vibrator back in the draw and i said "Are you gonna obey?" "Mhm" she said submissively.

I start to put my fingers in her wet pussy and move them all around inside her. Her walls shrink together, having a grip on my fingers. She moans loud and that makes me wet and I take off my pants and start rubbing myself over my panties while I pleasure her. She stares and bites her lip. "You want me to take them off?" She nods while biting her lip. "Not yet, you have to earn it." I start to go faster with my fingers and she throws her head back onto the pillows and rolls her eyes in the back of her head and moans so loud it's like she's screaming from pleasure.

I get more wet from this so I decide to take off my panties and I throw them in her face so she notices. She lifts her head up and grabs then bunches them up in her hand and stares at my pussy. "You want it?" I say staring at her. "Yes please." I get on top of her as she runs her fingers along the side of my stomach. I shove my pussy in her face and she puts each of her hands on my ass to support me. I jerk my head back in pleasure. She moves her tongue in circles and just as I'm about to cum, Nat shoves her tongue in my pussy even further and tastes my juices when I cum. "Your turn now."

I get up from the bed and go to our dresser and pull out the strap. Nat stares wide eyed and bites her lip while her legs are open. "You ready?" She nods at me. with a giant grin. I put it on and get on top of her and move it around her hole. I can tell she wants me to just put it in but I wanna keep teasing her. I do it for a little longer and when she least expects it, I shove it in hard. She gasps and looks up at me all wide eyed. I go slow at first to tease her a little more. When I decide she has had enough I go hard and fast. She gasps again and I look at her beautiful tits bouncing as I pound her. She moans loudly. I got harder and harder until her legs were shaking. "I'm gonna c-cum!" I stop. She moans more and begs for me to let her cum. "Not yet princess, when I say." I kiss her and I slip it back in and go hard. She cums almost immediately, but that doesn't make me stop. I keep going and her eyes are in the back of her head and her legs are shaking. I stop and take it out. I take off the strap and throw it in the corner of the room.

I kiss her pussy and she winces because of how sensitive it is. I kiss up her stomach and up her neck and I kiss her soft lips. "Was that too much?" "Not at all, you were perfect. I love you." She puts her hand up to my cheek and kisses me softly. "I love you too." She falls asleep in my arms and I fall asleep too shortly after." it was a great way to end my day.

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