kidnapped part 2. request

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Perrie's pov:

It's been almost 2 months since Y/n went missing. The detectives found a jacket that closely resembles the one that Y/n wears. But the writing is different. It's not hers. It's not the same writing.

I'm currently sat on the edge of my seat with Alex, Jade and Leigh. There's a loud knock on the front door. I jump up and go answer it.


"You might wanna let us in. We found something that might lead us to her."

I step aside. They walk in holding an ipad. We all sit on the sofa. They put the ipad in my lap and play the video. I frown.

"This video was recorded from CCTV footage outside a gas station not too far from here. Watch closely."

A man comes towards a plain van and opens the back door. A foot flies out into the mans chest and.... Y/n.... she jumps out of the van and hits the guy in the face. Then kicks him a shit load of times and stops to catch her breath. She's asthmatic. She holds up a board with writing on it and looks at the camera. She drops it, walks off and that's where it ends.

I look up.

"She kicked the shit out of him." LeighAnne says, laughing a little.

"Can i rewind it a little? I needa see what the writing said." I say.

The detectives nod. I rewind it and zoom in.

"What does it say?" Alex asks.

Metro Ending Enter Tree Mall Exit After Throw Helena Into Lester Like Call Reset Exit Slaughter Touch

I show it to him.

"It's code." Jade says.

"For what?" I ask.

"Capital letters at the start of every single word. It spells out 'MEET ME AT HILLCREST'." Jade says.

"She is one smart child. We raised a smart girl." Alex says.

"She's watched a lot of movies. She must've picked it up somewhere down the line. Where's hillcrest?" I ask.

"Not too far from-"

The detectives phone rings. He answers it.

"Hello..... yes i am working the missing Edwards-Chamberlain girl case..... she is?...... is she in a room?...... main room...... yes we'll be there soon..... thank you."

He ends the call.

"The manager at hillcrest called. He said Y/n is there. She's in the main room."

My heart speeds up. We all stand up. We get in Alex's car. The whole drive is a blur. When we get there, i run into the building and see her sat on a chair fiddling with her fingers.


Her head snaps up. She looks at me and her eyes fill with tears. She jumps off her chair and runs straight into my arms. I drop to my knees and hold her. The tears in my eyes immediately fall.

Alex, Jade and Leigh immediately add to the hug. We eventually get to mine and Alex's house.

"How did you know to use code?" Alex asks.

"I've seen a million movies papa. It was scary and i didn't know what was happening but i knew i had to do something. I took the chance. I was terrified. But i knew you guys would see it." Y/n says.

"And we did." I say.

I hug her. She hugs back. Tightly and doesn't let go. Jade and LeighAnne have to go. Since Y/n is fast asleep, i carry her to bed.

"I will never let that happen to you again. I promise." I whisper.

I place a soft kiss on her forehead and go to bed myself.

Two part mini storyyyy!!! Byeeee :)

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