runaway part 3

790 27 5

Age: 15

Your pov:

While I'm walking, i see a police officer. We make eye contact.


"Ah shit..."

I turn and start running. When i think I've lost him, i stoo for a few seconds and take a deep breath. That's when a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I throw my head back and headbut the officer. He lets me go. I stand for a second before bolting it. I make it back to the bridge near Kayla's house and check myself.

My arm hurts a little. So does my waist. That guy grabbed me quite hard.

"Y/n! Where are you?! I just wanna take you home!" The officer yells.

I remain quiet. He runs past. I lift my shirt and look at my waist. It's bleeding.... odd. I sneak off and into a quiet shop. I grab a few bandages and keep my face hidden. I quickly pay for the shit and make it back to the bridge. I get into my spot and bandage my side up. Then i hear sirens. I look.

"Yeah i saw her. She just came from food king just up there. She had bandages. She looked like she was bleeding too."

It's one of Kayla's neighbours. I bandage my arm up and put the bandages in my bag. The road behind me is empty. So i take my chance. I put my bag on and book it across the road and to the other side of the bridge. I mighta forgot, Auntie Jade and Auntie Leigh's house is literally on this road.

"Fully cant escape anyone...." I mutter.

Jade's pov:

I really hope Y/n is okay. Me and LeighAnne are looking out the window. I catch glimpse of someone out of the corner near the bridge. I slip my shoes on and run to the gate.

"LeighAnne! LeighAnne get Alex and Pez!" I yell.

She gets them and i point to the bridge.

"It's Y/n." I say.

"Oh my god.... my little girl." Perrie says.

Y/n goes into her bag and grabs a drink. I swear to whinces a little.

"She's hurt." Alex says.

Perrie runs out the gate.

Perrie's pov:

My little girl is sat under the bridge. She whinced. She's hurt.


She looks at me. Her face drops. She puts her bag on.

"Y/n please..... please dont run." I beg, tears forming in my eyes.

"You dont get it do you mum? Like at all?"

"Get what cupcake?" I ask.

"You and dad are the reason i ran away." She says.

I knew it. My tears fall.

"I-I know cupcake. A-and i....I'm so sorry. Please dont run." I say.

"I get more love out here than i do from you guys. Always focusing on the bad things. Never the good. Got a grade 7 in English. Oh no, oh that's not good though is it? 'Should've done better! Should've gotten an 8!' I tried mum! I knew you'd be disappointed but i still told you with that little hope you'd be proud of me!" Y/n says.

Alex runs over. Y/n's eyes fill with tears. She wipes them.

"More people out here are bothered about me that you two are. I dont understand. What do i have to do to make you care more?" Y/n asks.

"Nothing hun. Absolutely nothing." Alex says.

"Why has it taken me running away for you guys to get hit with a wake up call?" She asks.

I look at Alex.

"Please come home." Alex says.

She looks us both in the eyes. Her tears slide down her face. She drops her bag and walks to us both. She hugs us. Tightly. We hug back and drop to our knees.

She's coming home. And me and Alex will fix ourselves. We promise Y/n.

Aww. Sweet ending. I love it. Hope yall liked it :)

Requests can be left on this part in each part if you have any. As for now, bye bye :)

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