bullied. request

852 24 12

Age: 14

Perrie's pov:

It's literally 6pm. Where the fuck is Y/n? Her school finished 3 hours ago.... this is not good. I look to Alex.

"Call her again." I say.

He calls her again. No answer. He shakes his head. I try her. No answer.

"What do we do?" I ask.

"Y/n gave us Kayla's number in case she didn't answer. She might be with Kayla." Alex says.

I call Kayla.


"Hi. Kayla? This is Y/n's mum."

"Hi Mrs Edwards! You okay?"

"Yeah. Is Y/n with you by any chance? She hasn't been answering her phone. Me and her dad are worried." I say.

"No she isn't. I was gunna ask if you'd seen Y/n cos she isn't answering me either."

That's weird.... she always answers Kayla.

"Can i just ask before i go, is something happening with Y/n at school? She's always in a bad mood lately and she came home with four cuts on her face the other day." I say.

"She hasn't told you? I told her to tell you." Kayla says.

"Tell me what?" I ask.

"Y/n's being bullied in school. There's this group of girls who just wont leave her alone. They had her locked in her locker literally all day yesterday. She's too scared to tell anybody. She's scared to tell you cos she doesn't want you both to take the piss out of her for 'being weak'. It took me a little to convince her but i thought she'd have told you." Kayla says.

"She's being bullied? Do you know by who?" I ask.

"Yeah this nasty group of girls. There's about five of them. They bully Y/n cos she's easy to anger and they know she wont breathe a word to anybody." Kayla says.

"Thank you for telling me Kayla. I appreciate that." I say.

Your pov:

At around 6:30am, i finally bang out of my locker. I stretch and grab my bag. I go to one of the teachers rooms and grab some chewing gum. I check my phone. There's about nine missed calls from mum, dad and Kayla each. I let out a soft sigh and go to my locker.

After school, i slump my way home. Escorted by Kayla.

"I didn't ask you. Where were you?" Kayla asks.

"I got locked in my locker all night and couldn't reach my phone. My locker's small." I say.

She sighs and hugs me. I hug back.

"I missed you last night. I wanted to talk to you." Kayla says.

"I'm sorry bubs." I say.

"It's okay. Your mum rang last night. Wanted to know if I'd seen you." Kayla says.

We pull away from the hug and continue walking.

"I had to tell your mum you're being bullied Y/n."

My stomach sinks. I look at her.

"W-what?! Why?!"

"Cos you didn't tell her. She needs to know Y/n/n. She's your mum." Kayla says.

When i get home, mum and dad run over to me and hug me. Knocking me back a little.

"Whoa whoa! Steady!" I say.

"Thank god you're okay." Papa says.

"I am dont worry. I'm okay." I say.

"Where've you been? We were so worried." Mama says.

"Oh.... i was at Kayla's house. My phone died." I say.

"No you weren't. We spoke to Kayla last night. She didn't know where you were either. Where were you?" Mama asks.

"I..... got locked..... in my locker....." I say.

"What the fuck? By who?" Papa asks.

"These girls who've been picking on me for a while." I say, nonchalantly.

"Kayla told us you were being bullied. Why didn't you say something pumpkin?" Mama asks.

"I was scared you'd laugh at me cos I'm not strong enough to fight off five girls who are built like twigs." I say.

They shake their heads.

"Why would we do something like that? You know we always stick by you." Papa says.

"Just.... one of them thoughs." I says.

They hug me.

"We'll talk to your school tomorrow. We promise." Mama says.

I nod. They help bandage up a few of the cuts i have on me that are bad then we go and sit on the sofa. We watch a movie and just chill.

Hey!! Thanks to Stan_The_Pigeon for requesting this one!!

Requests can be left on this part in each part if you have any. As for now, bye bye :)

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