Seeing you with Axel

635 26 3

Age: 17
Your pov

About 4 months ago, mum gave birth to my little brother. Axel. And oh my fucking god he's so fucking cute. Mum and Alex are out right now. Oh yeah, Alex is my step-dad but he's Axel's biological dad. Zayn Malik is my dad. Me and my dad do get along but he is a bit of a dick when he feels like it.

Moving past dad. I was talking about Axel.

I'm sat with Axel right now just playing. Mum and Alex are out buying more stuff for Axel.


He giggles and reaches out to me. I lift him and spin us. He does that cute ass squeal that babies do which causes me to laugh.

Perrie's pov

Me and Alex get home from the shop buying Axel some new stuff. We go into the house with the bags and i see Y/n sat on the floor with Axel just playing. I smile. She hasn't noticed us yet. Neither has Axel.

"You! You're my favourite!" Y/n exclaims while booping Axel on his nose.

I cant help but smile. Axel giggles and falls forward into Y/n.

"Oh no monkey."

She stops him from falling any further and picks him up.

"You okay?" She asks.

He yawns and opens his arms. Y/n smiles and hugs him.

"Lets get you into bed. I'm gunna change your smelly little poo bag and get you your favourite dummy." Y/n says.

*to clarify for those who dont know, dummy is a pacifier. I sometimes call them a dummy when im talking to a baby*

Y/n carries Axel upstairs and i just smile.

"She loves him so much." I say.

"I know. The sibling love is undefeated. Even in half siblings." Alex says.

Your pov

I carry Axel upstairs and into his bedroom. I put him on his little changing desk and change his smelly little poo bag, as i like to call it, and put him in his cute little pumpkin pyjamas that i actually picked out. I then grab his favourite pacifier. I put it in his mouth and lay him in his cot in my room.

Yeah he lives in my room. After begging mum and Alex for about 3 weeks. Cos I'm the best person ever, they let him live in my room now. So he does. So i have me, Axel AND Hatchie living in my room.

Best room ever if you ask me.


I lay him in his cot but decide I'm gunna stay with him so i lay him on my bed. I grab his favourite book and i sit next to him. I then lay down and lay him on my stomach. I manage to grab his little blanket and put it over him while i read him his little story.

While i read the story, i spot mum at the door. I smile and wave her in. She walks in and sits next to me. Axel is layed on my stomach holding his blanket. While i read him his story, mum grabs his favourite teddy and passes it to him. He grabs it and slowly starts drifting off.

When he's asleep, i put the book down and look at mum.

"See this is why you're getting sleep at night. Cos I'm simply the best person ever." I whisper.

She smiles.

"You're the best. I'm just really happy you two get along. It's amazing to see. How's he been?" Mum whispers.

I tell her all about the day we've had. It's literally 2pm. This is his 3rd nap of the day. But you know how babies be. Eat, poop, cry, sleep, repeat.

"If he starts to wake up, try to get him to sleep longer. If you cant, bring him to me and I'll feed him then you can change his diaper if you would like." Mum whispers.

"His smelly little poo bag." I whisper.

Mum chuckles.

"Yeah his smelly little poo bag." Mum whispers.

She places a kiss on my forehead and one on Axel's forehead before leaving. I just smile at the cute little baby on my stomach who is literally fast asleep.

I love this child.

Thoughts? Twas a while since i last updated here so there you go. Bye :)

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