
473 21 3

Age: 19

Your pov

I'm layed in bed. Just watching my TV. Then my phone rings. It's Alex. My stepdad. I answer the call.

"Hey Alex." I say.

"Y/n. You have to get to the hospital." Alex says.

"Why what's goin on?" I ask.

"It's your mum. She's in a coma." Alex says.


"Y/n get to the hospital." Alex says.

"I'm on my way."

I end the call and jump out of bed. I dont even bother getting dressed. I just grab my keys and phone and run out the front door. I lock my door and jump into my car. I speed down to the hospital and see Alex stood with Dad and Gigi, my stepmum, outside the doors. I park up and climb out of my car. I lock it and run to them.

"What the hell is happening?" I ask.

"Your mum is in a coma." Dad says.

"What happened?" I ask.

"She got into a car crash coming to see you." Gigi says.

My heart sinks in my chest, my eyes tear up and my knees buckle a little. I hold onto the wall.

"I-is sh-she okay? Ple-please tell me she's okay." I beg, tears streaming down my face.

"The doctors dont know anything yet. All we know is that there's no internal bleeding." Dad says.

"W-what ro-room?" I ask.

They walk me to mums room and i walk into the room. My knees buckle again. I manage to stand and i pull a chair next to her bed.

Aunt Jade and Aunt Leigh run into the room. I look at them.

"Oh Y/n." Aunt Jade says.

I stand up and hug her. She hugs back and i just cry.

"Alex what happened?" Aunt Leigh asks.

"She got into a car crash going to see Y/n." Alex says.

"Wh-what if she doesn't wake up?" I choke out.

"Hey she will wake up." Aunt Leigh says.

"But what if she doesn't?" I ask.

"Have you met your mother? She will not give up." Aunt Jade says.

I spend hours in her room. I just sit on her bed. Dad, Alex, Gigi, Aunt Jade and Aunt Leigh aren't here. They went home which is only 5-15 minutes away from here. Thank god.

I then remember that i needed to tell mum something. I was gunna tell her when i next saw her.

"Oh i have something to tell you mum. I've been really looking forward to telling you." I say.

I shuffle closer to her and sit basically right next to her against the wall.

"So, i was on my phone the other day and i saw this dog for sale and i decided to DM the seller. I said 'hey is there any chance you could keep this little pup for a few extra months just so i can get a little more money to buy him' and she said yeah. So I'm saving up all my money and in a few months! I'm gunna have a dog! I've always wanted my own dog. But do tell Hatchie that i will not forget about him because i love that bundle of fluff." I say.

I sit there expecting her to smile and tell me she's proud of me. But just... nothing. My eyes tear up.

"Mum please wake up. I dont know what I'll do without you. I need you." I say, my tears streaming down my face.

My phone rings. I check who it is. It's my best friend. I take a deep breath and answer the call.

"Hey bitch! How you doin?" Sofia asks.

"I'm in the hospital with my mum." I say.

"Shit what happened?" Sofia asks.

"She got into a car crash coming to see me. I... what if she doesn't wake up?" I ask.

"Hey. Of course she'll wake up. I'm on my way to see you now. You cannot be on your own right now." Sofia says.

"I dont know when visiting time is over." I say.

"I dont give a fuck. You're not being alone right now." Sofia says.

The call ends. I look back to mum. I take on of her hands into mine. I hold her hand to my face and just cry. About 10 minutes later the door opens. I look at the door. There stands Sofia. I climb off mum's bed and hug her. She hugs back and just rubs my back until she manages to get me calm.

"Have you met your mum? She's the strongest woman i know. I know she'll wake up." Sofia says.

I just nod. She sits on the chair next to mums bed and i just sit on her bed. At some point, we fall asleep.

When i wake up, i immediately look to mum. She's still out... Sofia is still asleep. My eyes tears up again with the thought of her not waking back up. I lay down next to her. I cuddle myself up into her side and close my eyes. I fall asleep cuddled up next to my mum for the first time since i was 12.

"Please wake up." I beg, falling back asleep.

I wake up hearing dad, Alex and Gigi. I sit up and see them talking to a doctor.

"We ran some more tests."

"Please tell me she's gunna be okay." I say.

The doctor looks at me and nods.

"She's gunna be okay. I dont know when she'll wake up but she'll be okay."

I feel a weight being lifted from my shoulders.

A few weeks have passed but she's not awake yet. I'm sat on her bed just scrolling through Instagram. It soon gets late and i lay down next to her.

"Good night mum. I love you." I say.

I cuddle up into her side and fall asleep. When i wake back up, i feel an arm around me. I sit up and see that mum's awake.

"Y-you're awake." I say.

She looks at me and smiles.

"Yeah I'm awake."

I hug her. She hugs back and rubs my back.

"Dad told me you were coming to visit me when you got into the crash." I say.

"Yeah. It was gunna be a surprise visit." Mum says.

"Well consider me surprised but dont go doing it again." I say.

She laughs and so do i. A few weeks pass and I'm taking mum home. Thank god she's okay.

Thoughts? Byeeeeeee :)

Perrie Edwards mum imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now