Dance. Request

549 18 1

Age 12

Your pov

I'm on call with my dad. Zayn Malik. He's never there at any important stuff for me and it hurts a lot. I'm having this dance recital and i want him to go but i know he wont.

"Y/n, babe, i promise you i will go. I'll be there with Gigi and your mum and Alex. We'll be there i promise." Dad says.

"But you always promise." I say.

"I know and I'm sorry hun. But i promise, i swear on God I'll be there for you. I know you'll be amazing. I'll be on the front row with mama and Alex." Dad says.

"You mean it?" I ask.

"I do. I promise. I'll be there." He says.

"What if you're not?"

"I will. There's no doubt in my mind that I'll be there. I promise. I have to go but i promise I'll be there. I love you monkey." Dad says.

"I love you too."

The call ends. I go downstairs to mama and Alex.

"Dad says he's gunna be there ay my show. He promised me. He said he'll be there with Gigi and you two."  I say.

"I hope he is hun. For your sake." Mama says.

Me too......

When i get there, i start rehearsing with everyone. Eventually, it's time to perform it. I go out onto the stage and see mama and Alex. I look next to them.... dad and Gigi aren't there. He promised he'd be here.... why isn't he here?

I try to ignore the horrible feeling in my stomach and i perform with a smile on my face. Do it for mama and Alex.

When we finish, everyone stands and applauds. We bow and exit the stage. When we get backstage, everyone applauds us. I sit down and start taking my dance shoes off.

"Y/n you were amazing." The teacher says.

"Group performance." I mumble.

"What's wrong?" My best friend asks.


I go into the changing rooms and get changed. My best friend walks in behind me.

"Y/n did you dad promise he'd be here and not show again?"

I look at her and just nod.

"I mean what else do i have to do? He promised him and his girlfriend would be here. But they're not. Again." I say.

She hugs me.

"At least your mum and Alex were here."

I leave and go to mum and Alex. They hug me. I love Alex. He's more of a dad than Zayn ever was or will be. I'm grateful for Alex. He's there for me more than Zayn will be. As long as Alex is there that's all that matters.

Requested by AJ_Mixer. Thank you. Byeeeee :)

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