Chapter 1

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Nash's POV:
I ran up ten flights of stairs to her floor and raced down the hallway to find her door broken off it's hinges and pushed to the side.
I slipped and the entire apartment was a mess. What happened?
I heard footsteps then Alyss gasp behind me.
"I know. I don't know what happened. We have to find her." I said turning around and heading to the elevators.
I pushed the button but the elevators were old and taking way to long.
We ended up taking the stairs again and walking into the main lobby not a lot of people were there that looked even remotely friendly.
"Let's go out to eat." Jack said. "Try to distract you for a little while. Besides you can't keep going for much longer."
We walked into this corner restaurant. It was nice and clean but nothing fancy.
We were seated at a high table and I looked at the menu for a while.
"Hi! Welcome to Mitch's Diner can I get you something to drink?" The brown haired waitress looked at each of us.
"Just a diet coke please." I said. She jotted down everyone's drink and scuttled back to the kitchen.
I looked around and noticed the lack of light. Very brown inside. And all the shades were pulled down.
"Not very bright is it?" I asked Jack. He just smiled and nodded taking a look around.
The waitress came back trailing another girl with her.
"So we're doing a shift change and so my partner here will be helping you guys now." The perky girl said.
We nodded and they both walked off.
"Did you smell that?" I said suddenly.
Alyss and Jack just looked at me for a moment.
"That smell. It's the perfume I bought Kay. What was the name of our new waitress again?" I asked.
Alyss and Jack exchanged worried glances while we sat there in silence.
"Look Nash. I think the whole situation is a little confusing and stressful for everyone but this is becoming too much. A smell? Nash anyone could have the same perfume." Jack said in his 'diplomatic' voice.
"So you're saying we just leave her to die?" I said raising my voice.
"No! No that's not what I'm saying at all! I'm saying we, well you, need to take a little brake. I think we should call it in early and just relax for a few days." He said trying to calm me down.
"Yeah and just leave Kay out there to die with him. What if when he destroyed her room he took her and is killing her as we speak?" I asked raising my voice even higher.
"Nash, we know how much you care about her and we all want her back but you're starting to sound crazy. I'm sorry but we're taking you to a hotel where we can relax for a few days and you can think everything over. Okay?" Alyss tried.
Even though she had barely just become a friend of mine, I could never yell or be mad at her.
Defeated, I walked slowly out the door. Reluctantly being the first one out of the restaurant.
"Excuse me ma'am? Are you out waitress?" Jack asked a passing girl.
I didn't get a good look at her because I turned away to leave.
"Yes. Will that be all sir?" She asked.
Maybe they are right. Maybe I am going crazy because, well, that sounded exactly like her. Maybe I'm becoming obsessive?
We payed and walked out. I just wish I could've seen that girls face. Just to make sure. But I can only be let down so many times.
No Body's POV:
If Nash wasn't so entrapped in his own questioning, and if he had looked back, and if Jack had payed a little more attention, they would've seen Kay taking away their dishes after Jack payed her. And if Kay wasn't so fixated on starting fresh, she would've seen the defeated Nash exit the room.
They were there together but nobody would open their eyes. Maybe it was for the best. Maybe.
So what do you guys think so far? This is going to be one heck of a sequel I hope! :) thank you for continuing with this story! It means a lot to me!

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