Chapter 5

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I sat there stunned.
Did he just....... did anyone else hear...... yeah I think that just happened.
I felt like I should've went after him but I was too surprised to move.
A knock at the door finally made me get up. I opened to the lovely lady herself Alyss.
"Hi is Nash around?" She asked peeking over my shoulder to look for herself.
"Umm I think he just left. Anything I can help with?" I asked innocently.
I have nothing against her personally but she is the last person on the earth o wanted to see right now.
"Oh no it's okay I just thought we were going to rehearse the break up scene so you two can get on with your love life." She said.
Wow. I'm a terrible person.
"Oh! Yeah hey let me check his room I heard a door close but I honestly don't know if it was this door or his door." I said letting her in.
"There's cereal on the counter if you'd like some." I said.
"Ok thanks! Hey before we get nash I just wanted to say, I know you don't trust me and you think that nash and I are actually together but I promise you. Besides I don't think he would want Mike as a father-in-law." She said.
Anyone else want to stun me cause now seems like the time.
"So you're Mikes daughter?" I asked wide eyed.
"No. I was an accident if you catch my drift. He put me into the system. Got out as soon as I could only to find my mother happily married with twins. I don't think she would want to see me." She said looking at the floor.
"Wait a second wait a second. If you Mikes daughter, and I'm Mikes niece, does that mean we're cousins?" I said confused.
"Yep! I don't know why I would think you knew about me. He hates me." She said smiling sadly. "That's the main reason I helped them rescue you. I know what it's like to live with him and no one should have to experience that. I don't like Nash Kay. I promise." She said looking dead straight at me.
"Oh. Thank you. Umm let me see where Nash is. I..... I feel terrible. I'm so sorry." I said.
She nodded and proceeded to get herself some cereal.
I walked to Nash's room and knocked.
"Hey Nash? Alyss is here. She would like to see you. If you're not busy." I said twisting my ring on my right hand. It's a nervous habit.
He opened the door and looked at my sorry eyes.
"I'm surprised you didn't tell her I wasn't here." He said almost bitterly.
"Well it would be kind of rude to kick my cousin out when she was about to dump you." I said just at bitterly.
I turned and grabbed my coat.
"Kay I didn't mean.." he started.
"If you'll excuse me. I need some air. Nice to get to know you Alyss. We should hang out some time." I said smiling at Alyss.
"Yes let's!" She said smiling that she finally got me to see her truth.
"Kay wait! I should go with you. I don't want to wandering all alone." Nash said starting to walk over.
"From what I hear you have plans. I'll be back soon." I said as I walked out.
"So you still love her?" Alyss yelled at me in the middle of Starbucks.
"Yes. I can't lie to you anymore. I love Kay. I have to find a way to get her back." I said desperately. The funny part was. Although we were acting all my lines were true as the blue sky.
"Well I hope you are happy Nash Grier. And the best to you and Kay. If she'll even take a person like you back!" She spat and turned to stomp out.
I turned to everyone watching us either amused or totally shocked.
"Umm. Sorry. Please don't tell the press." I said running out the entrance in the opposite way of Alyss.
We met back up at the hotel and we didn't bother to look at each other until we were in the elevator when we cracked up.
"Did you see some of their faces!" She yelled laughing.
I just chuckled and nodded. Hopefully Kay was back. We needed to talk.
"She'll be alright. Don't worry about her so much." Alyss said. "I'm her cousin so you can share some of the worry now."
"Yeah ok let me just not worry about my girlfriend who I've lost twice to the crazy uncle who's current location is not known. Yeah ok." I said staring at the lights as we went up floor by floor.
"Well she's probably sitting on the couch watching some girly movie being just as nervous about you as you are about her." She said.
We got up to our floor and I walked her to her room.
"What a gentleman. Thank you! Now go see her!" She said as if she knew and I jogged down the hall.
I opened the door and was surprised to see all the lights off with the shades closed.
I made sure she wasn't sleeping on the couch and threw open the curtains.
Her phone and wallet were on the kitchen counter which meant she'd come back but she wasn't here.
I looked in her room in the bathroom in all of the other rooms but she wasn't there.
Then I saw it.
On the fridge there was a bit with an address on it.
Come here if you want to see Kay alive ever again

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