Chapter 3

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Kay's POV:
We stood there looking at each other for what felt like forever.
His shocked expression slowly turned into the biggest grin I had ever seen.
"You're okay!" He yelled. His breathing was uneven and he held me close and I hugged back.
"Yeah.... Yeah I'm fine! What are you doing here?" I asked.
"Looking for you! I got a call and...... From him and....... I thought he'd hurt you so we tracked you down but the apartment and.... Thank god you're not hurt!" He said.
I tried to gather my thoughts but the fact he'd traveled all this way to make sure I was okay made me realize everything I did was stupid.
"Look why don't we go back to your hotel room call everyone and tell them were okay and go from there?" I suggested.
"Yeah. Yeah that's a good idea. Jack and Alyss are going to be so happy! Oh my gosh! Alyss!" He said.
"Let me guess. Your new girlfriend?" I said defeated.
"What?! No. Well yes but... Look it's complicated. We'll explain it all upstairs okay?" He said pulling me into another hug. "I found you."
We went upstairs to his hotel room and sure enough there was another girl and Jack.
"You must be Alyss?" I asked the brunette. I looked at her and she reminded me of someone but I couldn't place it.
"You mean you don't know me?" She asked heartbroken.
"Am I missing something?" I asked concerned that I should be happily chatting away with her.
"No. I'm your cousin but I guess Mike never talked about me." She said.
"My cousin?!" I asked. "And let me guess my long lost twin is coming later too?" I asked Nash.
"Nope even better! Hayes!" He said with jazz hands.
"Really? That's great! I need to get changed and-"
"Oh relax you look fine!" Jack said standing up.
"So I'm still confused as to why you have another girlfriend and are here?" I asked. Sometime, when I look back on the experience, I'll wish I hadn't.
So one hour and one Hayes Grier later they finished and I don't think I've ever felt so happy.
"You did all that to find me?" I asked.
"Of course. You're my girl. I have to be there for you. I'll always be there for you." He said squeezing my hand.
It also dawned on me he hadn't let go of my hand since I fell off the treadmill.
"I think that was the nicest thing I've ever heard him say!" Hayes exclaimed and there was laughter throughout the room.
After, Hayes went to his hotel room and Nash walked me back to mine.
"Thank you." I said out loud as we walked down the hallway.
"Well I mean I thought it was the polite thing to do since.. you know." He said.
"I meant for traveling everywhere and back to find me. It means a lot. And I'm willing to go back with you if you're willing to take me back again." I said.
"Well... I don't know..?" He said as I hit him playfully. "You're welcome. I'd do anything for you. You know that right?" He asked me in a now serious tone.
"I do now." I smiled up at him.
We got to my door and I turned towards him.
"So... I guess this is my room now then." I stumbled stupidly.
He smiled at me. "Yeah I guess it is. "Well madam it was a pleasure escorting you and I hope to meet you in the lobby tomorrow morning for breakfast?" He asked.
"That would be nice!" I said.
I walked in but he followed. Not that I'm complaining.
"You know. I just found you and I know you're safe. I don't think I can just let you go that easily." He said walking towards me slowly.
"Well. That stinks." I said mentally smacking myself.
It's funny how much ground you think a person covers compared to how much ground he actually does. In what seemed like five steps he nose was almost touching mine.
My breathing quickened and matched my heartbeats pace.
"Don't worry my hearts beating just as fast." He smiled. But seriously I flat think it was.
He bent down and hovered over my lips looking for any repulsion or resistance before kissing me. It was a sweet passionate kiss that was gentle but let me know he really cared about me and my safety.
We talked about different nothing's after that and the last thing I remember is breathing in his cologne and feeling safe.

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