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Just a rant nothing else. From my post of 21St December midnight.

1 hour mediation to feel like you're finally able to move on, for a moment you think you're starting to heal from some traumatic thing which happened 2 years back and then you burst crying asking y the hell holy shit bloody world ppls soo heartless n evil -

*T&C applied for commenting
* All comments allowed but No hate/ Advices, as most ppl judge on, advice on everything we post and educate us about how should we Breathe, How should we talk, how should we write Alphabets whether we need or not lol
And pls apply this T&C always:") i don't like to write this even bigger than the post coz it feels the most insecure place to write or express anything rn like ppl are always ready to worsen your mood, then there are people who gonna make u feel guilty for having a "bad day due to those judgementals" they'll say "Why do u feel judged? Don't feel bad don't feel judged. If earthquake happens and u die, don't feel you died. Try to laugh when your granny dies, don't feel sad" lol and then there are people claiming u judging them for judging u. Like every 1 out of my 4 posts gets me a new person to come in my pm and write essays on how should i do this that, and then another new person would say "You're weak that's why u feel triggered" bla bla, so i was compelled to write this thing XD i wish everyone triggered by the same thing no one would hurt each other then.

Idk most ppl lack mere sanity and they judge someone and call themselves as kind caring experienced souls

She : Hey you're sad? Don't be sad.
Me: Oh. Hey i didn't even said-
She : *sends 15-20 videos, 400000-5000000words essays on how to charge your phone, how to drink water, and everything* Start living your life now, don't waste it :D

Me : Oh- but i already know this.

She: *angry looks* Don't be stupid now. Only stupid ppl know everything.

Me: Hey, no i -

She: i know everything. So Listen to me and do what i said.

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