Bottling Up (Article)

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Hello! Have a nice day guys!

#BottlingUpInside (AN IMPORTANT TOPIC)

Nowadays i can see most people, yeah literally most people hide their true feelings/emotions from people. Many times they even hide things from their close ones. The reason for that being, "I don't wanna lose you. Maybe you will leave me if you know me more" or "It might hurt you or our bond" or "I can't trust this person"

Well, see. If you bottle up everything in your mind. It will just lead to much much more problems than what "expressing" it can lead to. Often the cause of misunderstandings are "Bottling up feelings/true thoughts/opinions from others" which lead you to misunderstand them or maybe it leads them to misunderstand you as you're being distracted away from the truth due to overthinking or others are unable to know your true intentions. Often bottling up from inside leads to people becoming RUDE, ARROGANT,and ANGRY which isn't good.

The best way to avoid misunderstanding is to STOP bottling up your emotions and feelings. To STOP hiding what you need, what you want, what you feel! Why afraid of losing people? If they're really that good/if they "really" trust you, they won't leave you after knowing you more. Instead it will help in increasing the strength of bonds!❣️

Expressing yourself will not only reduce the chances of misunderstandings, but also help people understand more, know the truth more, know what's right what's wrong to do/say to you. And in case someone doesn't believes you, it's their fault. They lose you, not you lose them. Never blame yourself if you're honest and they don't believe it. ✌️

“Your true emotions, feelings and thoughts are like birds. Don't keep them in the cage of your mind always. Let them be free and fly in the sky"
~ Me (in 2021)

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