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Love isn't about saying "I love you"

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Love isn't about saying "I love you"

It's about feeling the same all the time without the need to say.

A.N. I'm trying to say that love isn't in just saying ILY there are many ppl who say ILY too quickly or often but it's not true love.

True love is there when there's no need to say it often but make the other person feel it in your little acts, behaviour, treatment towards them, the way you smile around them, the way you embrace for them, when you're sad when they're sad, when you are always there to support, listen to, understand, respect, guide and help them whenever they need, when you do little but priceless beautiful things for them, when you're unafraid of the world to be with them, when you're there always without making the person feel betrayed or lonely, when you care for them in an understanding way and the glow when they're happy :)

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