Chapter Seven: My First Kiss Went a Little Like This

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I didn't think I would ever care this much about our soccer team winning. High school sports never interested me. That could've been because I had to watch every game alone, but still. 

"Let's go, WestShores!" I yell alongside the sidelines, throwing my pom-poms in the air. I have managed to land every jump and kick during the halftime show without passing out. Now I get to enjoy the rest of the game on the sidelines, cheering.  

Adam and Warner were amazing together on the field. It was like they knew where each other were without even looking, I knew Warner was a soccer star in high school but I never bothered to actually watch him play.

I wasn't the only one who noticed though because the girls on the team certainly had their eyes glued to Warner as well.

"God he is so fucking hot. You are so lucky." Emily another freshman cheerleader says to me.

"Lucky?" I ask.

"Aren't you guys together?"

I laugh and accidentally let out a snort. Emily looks at me confused about what is funny.

"No we are definitely not together we are just... old friends." I cringe at the word friend but as soon as the words leave my mouth Emily grins.

"Well, then you NEED to introduce me because that man is fine."

I nod knowing it will be awkward but I was desperate for good girlfriends so I was willing to introduce them if that meant extra friend points for me.

Finally, the game ended with Westshore Winning 3-1. When the last whistle blows the crowd runs onto the field to celebrate. I see Emily heading straight to Warner to congratulate him so I make my way to a different player.

Adam is already grinning at me when I make eye contact with him. I run over cheering and before I know what is happening he has picked me up and twirled me. I protest and try to kick my legs out but he doesn't seem to notice. I have never been picked up by a guy before. In elementary school, we used to play chicken fight in the pool and I was the only big girl so I was always on the bottom. 

One time a nice new kid named Charlie felt bad for me and tried to put me on his team for it. I remember it to this day, I got on his shoulders underwater and everything seemed fine but as soon as he stood up and felt the weight of me he couldn't even stand up. It then became a competition with the guys to see who could hold me up, but none of them could do it. I tried to laugh it off with them but after that day I went home and cried in my room all night. 

It is hard to not let my past control my actions now. I should be focused on the fact that a cute guy is holding me but instead, all I can think about is if he thinks I am heavy. Is he struggling to hold me up?  I continue to overthink until he puts me down.

"Thanks for cheering me on Jules, you must be my good luck charm." he grins at me and I smile back. I see that he caught onto Warner's nickname for me, they were best friends so I guess that makes sense.

"Yeah, I will actually be taking credit for your goal tonight. You wouldn't have scored without me standing on the sidelines." I flick my hair trying to ignore how close we are. I am not used to being this close to guys like Adam. his fluffy brown hair is swept to the side with sweat and his eyes are a perfect chocolate brown up close. I feel my face go red from him looking at me with those eyes.

"In that outfit, you are more of a distraction than a good luck charm." Adam's voice is low enough for just me to hear and it doesn't help with making my cheeks less red.

"Juliet there you are!" Tracey's voice cuts in, breaking the moment off.

I whip my head around trying to act normal but I know I probably look guilty. Behind Tracey stands Warner who looks very uncomfortable. 

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