Chapter Thirty-Nine: Whipped

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The feeling of Warner's lips against mine after this time apart was like that first drop of water hitting my tongue after a 10-kilometre run. I never wanted Warner to let me go again. Being in his arms felt so right. Judging by his grip on me, he didn't want to let me go either.

When he pulls back from my lips and rests his forehead against mine, I whisper. "I'm sorry it took so long for me to stop being so stubborn."

He presses his index finger to my lips. "I know I said I was done, but I lied; I would have waited forever for you." He looks like he might kiss me again, but he pulls back and looks at the door.

"I don't think we are alone anymore," Warner whispers into my ear.

"What do you mean?" I ask, confused. I pull back and scan the bedroom around us; I didn't see anyone.

Warner points to the door. "We have some company."

I swiftly run over to the closed door and press my ear against it. I strain my ears, and sure enough, I hear some familiar voices on the other side of the door.

"Shhh, Kenji, your breathing is so loud," I hear Abby whisper, then a yelp from Kenji as if someone tried to shut him up.

"Great, now with your yelping, we missed something!" Amy whines.

"Wait, I can't hear anything. Did they make up?" Kenji chimes in.

It seemed we had some eavesdroppers at the door.

The walls are too thick, so their conversation is barely audible, but I do pick up on certain words being said such as Sarah repeatedly yelling "Listen" and Kenji shouting "I am" several times in reply.

Warner comes up beside me, and he gives me a devious smile. I know exactly what he is thinking since they are all pressed up against the door. Warner silently twists the door handle, the door flies open, and all five of them face plant to the floor of the bedroom.

"Oomfgh," Kenji groans as the weight of all four of the group squashes down on top of him.

"What are you guys doing?" I ask, crossing my arms in front of me. They look guilty, but they all stand up and smooth out their clothes as if they weren't just sprawled in front of us.

"We wanted to know if you were going to stop being an idiot and believe Juliet." Amy directs her statement at Warner but smiles sweetly.

"We also wanted to know if Juliet was going to stop being an idiot and get back with you." Sarah continues on, smiling just as sweetly.

"I've just been rooting for you guys for so long; I deserved to get to hear a big moment like this." Maggie practically beams at us and the way Warner has wrapped his pinkie with mine. Like he needs to be touching me, to ensure I am real.

"Adam stayed downstairs with Winston in case Warner still wanted to kill him. But judging by the smile on my boy's face, the coast is clear." Kenji clasps Warner on the shoulder.

"I am not going to kill him. But you are not going on that date." Warner shoots me a look.

"That sucks. I was really looking forward to it. I picked out a really hot outfit," I fake pout, and Warner raises an eyebrow at me.

"You'll pay for that comment later" he gives me a heated look, and I look away before I turn red.

"Speaking of later, you guys don't mind if I take Juliet back to mine? I can drive anyone else back that wants to leave as well."

"I would love a drive-" Kenji starts but Abby elbows him in the side hard. Hard enough, he lets out a wheeze.

"Nope, you two love birds go ahead." She smiles at me and wriggles her eyebrows.

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