Chapter Sixteen: Trusting Warner Brooks

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The tailgate is already in full swing, both teams and their fans are mingling like there is no rivalry. I truly don't understand sports fans at this point. 

I immediately begin to scan the parking lot for our cheer team and sure enough, I find Emily and I mean she is easy to find. I just have to look for the girl with the murderous expression on her face.

"Adam I am going to need to borrow your girlfriend to do this." Warner looks back at me and Adam. Girlfriend? I was not Adam's girlfriend, I don't know what I was but we haven't talked about it. Warner truly knows how to make things awkward.

Adam doesn't look bothered or flustered like I do he just nods and hands me over to Warner.

"And you might not want to watch."

Now Adam looks bothered.

We step towards the cheer team, in their direct viewpoint and lean against one of the cars to look casual. At least I assume that's why. I don't really know his plan here.

"Now I know it's hard but you are going to have to trust me and just go along with this okay?" He places a finger beneath my chin and tilts my head up so that I'm looking him right in the eye and boy is my view fantastic. He's got the most amazing eyes I've ever seen, the green in them almost radiates this mind-numbing, body paralyzing power that turns you to jelly the moment you look into them.

"Let's get their attention." He doesn't take his eyes away from mine as he places his hand on my waist, his thumb brushing against the small strip of skin on my stomach that is visible because of my uniform.

I can see Emily whispering to the cheer team and they are all glancing at us now. Well glancing is a bit of an understatement. I see jaws dropping down and I know it is probably because Emily told them I stole him from her.

I watch him lean into me and place his lips next to my ear.

"Won't be long now." He lightly nibbles at my ear and an involuntary gasp escaped my mouth, his thumb's rubbing dizzying circles at the side of my waist and his lips are too close. I can feel his minty breath all over my face but the thing is he never stops looking at me.

Not once.

"Then again, I wouldn't mind staying like this." He murmurs huskily and I just about lose it. His lips hover over mine, his hands moved up my torso just the slightest bit and his fingers are gently skimming over the sensitive skin making me feel like firecrackers are exploding inside of me. I am really glad he told Adam not to watch now, but thinking of Adam his touch never makes me feel like this. Warner's touch is as light as a feather's as he pushes his hands at the hem of my top, his cold fingers tickling my skin, If he goes any further...

"Warner!" He drops his hands and backs away just a little. He's staring at me as I lean against the car, pressing my hands on top of it so that I don't collapse on the ground. I guess his plan worked because Emily shrieks his name at the top of her lungs. She is walking over to us at god speed with a few girls from the team behind her including Amy.

Her eye is twitching, her mouth is pulled up into a vicious and frankly ugly-looking sneer and she's tapping her foot furiously on the ground. If she had laser vision I'd be obliterated by now, that's for sure.

"Emily?" Warner asked turning to her, hiding me behind his back in what I can only assume is a protective gesture, one I'm extremely grateful for.

"W-what are you doing here with her?" She asks in a sickly sweet voice which makes me want to vomit.

"I don't see how that's any of your business," Warner replies surly and I subtly squeeze his arm in warning. He cannot let Emily know that he's aware of what she said to me. If she figures out that I am surely as good as dead and the girls on the team will believe her.

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