Chapter Thirty: Arguing Is Our Foreplay

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"Okay enough of this. What is wrong with you? Last night you were so concerned about me you wouldn't leave me alone and now you won't even talk to me!" I tried to keep my voice down so our roommates couldn't hear, but it was hard.

He looked pained and crossed his arms like he had to stop himself from reaching out to me. "You told me to leave you alone."

I thought back to last night, okay yes, I said that in the heat of the moment but only because of what he was trying to talk about. I didn't mean forever. God, did he really think I meant for good?

"Yes, because you were yelling at me, and I didn't want to talk. I didn't mean for good." I groaned.

"I pushed too hard last night, and I lost my temper. You want your space; you want me to back off and the message has been received." He clenched his jaw like he wanted to say more.

"You clearly have some stuff you want to say to me so say it." I crossed my arms and my t-shirt slid further down my shoulder. Warner's eyes tracked every movement.

"I just feel like you are never going to trust me."

"Trust you?" I scoffed. That's rich coming from him, I have been trying to get him to open up about his dad for months and he hasn't trusted me enough to tell me anything about it.

Hot temper poured in me. "As if there aren't things you keep from me. Pot meet kettle!"

"You are so frustrating. Anything I keep from you is for your own good."

"Yes, because you are the only one who knows what is good for me! God, you are so arrogant." I stepped closer to him challenging him, if he wanted a fight, I would give it to him.

"And you're frustrating. Not to mention the most stubborn girl I have ever met."

"You're the frustrating one. Why can't you just let it go?"

"Let it go? Do you think I like feeling this way? Worrying about you, not knowing how to help you? I am scared, Jules." He reached out and touched my wrist gently.

"And you know what? I think you are scared too." He looked at me like he could see all of my thoughts. Like he knew how scared I was. That gleam in his eye only made me angrier, I hated how well he knew me.

"Let go of me."

Warner obeyed letting go of my wrist and turning his face whilst he backed a step away. It was the light of victory in his eyes, the sense that he believed he had somehow unnerved me and won this fight that had me reaching out and grabbing the front of his shirt.

I told myself that it was to knock the smirk off his face when I curled my fingers into his shirt and hauled my mouth to his. For a heartbeat, there was only the warmth of Warner's mouth, the press of his body, the stiffness in his every trembling muscle as I slanted my lips over his, rising onto my toes.

I kissed him with my eyes open, just to see how his own widened in shock. I pulled away and found his eyes were still wide, his breathing harsh.

I laughed softly knowing I won, unhooked my fingers from his shirt and started strutting back to the door to leave. I only got two steps away when he surged forward, spun me around and kissed me back.

The force of the kiss knocked us toward the wall, which slammed into my shoulders as all of Warner lined up against me. One of his hands slid into my hair while the other gripped my hip.

The moment I hit that wall, the moment Warner enveloped me, it made me forget all the reasons I was mad. I opened my mouth, and his tongue swept in, the kiss punishing and savage. And the taste of him, I moaned unable to help myself.

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